What can blogging really do?

Following my talk yesterday at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre on The Blogging Revolution, a live-blog featured some of the more interesting elements of the discussion, such as this: Q: I was born in Poland and saw the Solidarity movement go from tiny to 1/3 of the population supporting it, in just a couple of months.…

Going online in repressive regimes

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre: Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for Internet and Society Luncheon Series, 25 November 2008 The Blogging Revolution: Going online in repressive regimes Antony Loewenstein Internet censorship is something that only happens in non-democratic states. Regimes that want to crush free speech…

Spreading the word in the US

After years of talking in Australia and overseas about the Israel/Palestine conflict and internet repression, I’m about to commence a US… speaking tour. My first presentation early next week, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, is on “The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective“: A critical examination of…

Government uploads hypocrisy with internet censorship

My following article appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Before this year’s Beijing Olympic Games, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chastised the Chinese authorities for blocking full access to the internet for the assembled world media: “My attitude to our friends in China is very simple”, he said. “They should have nothing to fear by open digital…

Why blog?

Australian blogger Amy Bradney-George on the ever-increasing importance of blogging in our media landscape: A few years back, around the beginning of 2006, I began reading blogs by friends and family as a way of keeping in touch with them. From there I realised how many people across the world are actually utilising this form…

Washington Prism on blogging

Washington Prism is a “weekly on-line journal of culture, politics and public affairs in Persian [and English], dedicated to bringing the news and views of concern from the United States and beyond to the Persian speaking countries and communities in an accurate, comprehensive and analytical manner.” I was interviewed recently by Hamid Tehrani about my…

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