The Blogging Revolution: from Iran to Cuba

My following interview by Hamid Tehrani for Global Voices was published today: Antony Loewenstein, a Sydney-based freelance journalist and blogger, has recently published his new book: The Blogging Revolution. This book talks about the impact of blogging on six countries: Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China and Cuba. He says: I chose the six countries…

Vibewire on The Blogging Revolution

Vibewire is one of Australia’s finest online youth portals (I used to write a regular column for them years ago.) I was recently interviewed by one of their writers, Jacqui Dent, about my book, The Blogging Revolution: Blogging is being used increasingly to speak out against oppression in authoritarian regimes and speak up amidst mainstream…

What Iranian bloggers are saying about the US election

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, author of The Blogging Revolution, writes: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in New York last week and conducted a number of fascinating interviews that confirmed his chameleon nature. He told Democracy Now! — after expressing typical bigotry against homosexuals… — that his country would accept…

A real side of Iran

Yet another tale of degredation from inside the Islamic Republic: Mansoor Osanloo, the union activist and leader who has been imprisoned in the past two years on the charge of organizing the independent Tehran’s Bus Drivers Union, is being kept in the maximum security criminals’ ward of Rajayi Shahr prison where the most notorious criminals…

The Melbourne Age reviews The Blogging Revolution

The following book review of The Blogging Revolution appeared in the Melbourne Age on September 20: Antony Loewenstein’s journey through the blogging world brings some surprises, says Thuy On. In 2007, journalist Antony Loewenstein travelled to some of the world’s hot spots to meet up with bloggers, activists and dissidents whose cyber activities challenge the…

Besieged from the inside?

My latest article for New Matilda discusses the troubles ahead for Israel: Radical Zionists made gains under Ehud Olmert, but their actions are pushing Israel towards catastrophe. The new Prime Minister must stop the settlers, writes Antony Loewenstein In mid-September, during the dying days of his leadership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boldly stated that…

A different kind of cultured

Following the Sydney launch of my book, The Blogging Revolution, last week, Sydney-based Iranian-blogger Nazanin comments on the ways in which Iranian society is fundamentally misunderstood in the West: Of other points he discussed in this meeting was the clash he has observed between Iranian public and private. He brought examples of Iranians behaviour outdoor,…

The clueless Mahmoud

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on Democracy Now!, expresses his bigoted view of homosexuals: In Iran, it’s considered as a very unlikable and abhorrent act. People simply don’t like it. Our religious decrees tell us that it’s against our values, and all divine laws, actually, believe in the same. Who has given them permission to engage…

The web won’t set us free

My following article was published by the Washington Post online on September 26: During China’s milk powder crisis, with tens of thousands of babies affected by the contaminated goods, the country’s blogosphere railed against corrupt officials. One outraged blogger wrote: “What are the people in the Government doing? They just want mistresses, they want cash,…

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