New ways to make news matter

My following article is published today by the Melbourne Age: During the bruising Democratic Party tussle with Hillary Clinton in April, a citizen journalist recorded Obama saying that he understood why working-class voters in decrepit industrial towns were “bitter” and clung to “guns or religion”. Despite being a paid-up Obama supporter, writer Mayhill Fowler worked…

In his own words

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to CNN and host Larry King can’t seem to understand why the Islamic Republic may be upset that the US supported Saddam Hussein for many years:

Jewish friends of Mahmoud

This is the kind of Judaism that continues to astound me: A group of American rabbis welcome Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York in a move aimed at countering an anti-Iran protest. Neturei Karta International (Jews United Against Zionism) is a fascinating bunch of anti-Zionists who believe it is forbidden to build a…

More than time for a group hug

Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei: Who are the Israelis? They are responsible for usurping houses, territory, farmlands and businesses. They are fighters at the disposal of Zionist operatives. A Muslim nation cannot remain indifferent to such people who are stooges at the service of the arch-enemies of the Muslim world.

A debate lost in rhetoric

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies any hostility towards the Israeli people, only Zionists. It’s an interesting and important distinction that would have far greater significance if he also didn’t deny the Holocaust.

Being a good Jewish girl

Love Iranian-American Style is a fascinating documentary about an Jewish/Iranian/American girl struggling to find herself in the US: It’s a documentary from Tanaza Eshaghian about herself. She is struggling between two cultures, Iranian and American style. She is trying to defined herself into everyday New York life but her family still value Iranian Jewish traditional…

SBS Radio Arabic on blogging

I was interviewed last week on SBS Radio Arabic program about The Blogging Revolution and the ways in which the Middle East in particular is shifting radically due to the internet.

Beating the western drum

My following essay appears in the Guardian today: During the recent war between Georgia and Russia, bloggers on both sides of the conflict provided searing accounts of atrocities and manoeuvres unseen by western journalists. In a country such as Russia the space for alternative and critical views are rare. The war showed an authoritarian regime’s…

Holidays in blogging hell

The following post is by Phil Gomes on one of Australia’s most popular blog sites Larvatus Prodeo: In The Blogging Revolution Antony Loewenstein takes us on a personal journey through some of the more difficult places in the world to blog. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba and China. It’s a timely book on the…

How to buy friends and make them hate you

The United States, protector of the civilised world: The Bush administration is pushing through a broad array of foreign weapons deals as it seeks to rearm Iraq, Afghanistan, contain North Korea and Iran, and solidify ties with onetime Russian allies. and From tanks, helicopters and fighter jets to missiles, remotely piloted aircraft and even warships,…

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