The MSM fails (again)

Wonder why the mainstream media hasn’t reported this? Thomas Fingar, the U.S. government’s top intelligence analyst, in a public speech on Sept. 4, repeated the intelligence community’s key judgment that Iran’s work on the “weaponization portion” of its nuclear development program “was suspended” in 2003.

Bloggers lead revolution

The following article by Matthew Ricketson appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Blogging is an inelegant term for an often inelegant activity. It is easy to be turned off by bloggers for whom civil discourse equates to personal insult — anonymously delivered — but this undersells the vast range of blogging swirling through cyberspace. Antony Loewenstein…

Iranian on the inside

An Iranian student and blogger living in Sydney, Nazanin Ghanavizi, writes about The Blogging Revolution. I’ve been pleased to receive a great deal of support from the Iranian Diaspora since my book was released last week (and good wishes from inside Iran, as well.) More on this soon.

Sunday Night Safran on blogging

Sunday Night Safran is a great weekly show on ABC youth radio Triple J. I was interviewed last night about The Blogging Revolution, the role of Western multinationals in repressive regimes and how the American relationship to the internet should be viewed in the non-Western world.

The Fourth Estate on blogging

The Fourth Estate is a great weekly radio program on one of Sydney’s finest independent radio stations, 2ser. In a wide-ranging interview, host Daz Chandler and I talked about the role of Western multinationals in authoritarian regimes, the seeming lack of understanding of online privacy in the West and the issues in The Blogging Revolution.

The Media Report on blogging

I was interviewed on ABC Radio National’s Media Report today on The Blogging Revolution and the ways in which the internet is far more complex than simply being a supposedly democratising force: Antony Funnell: What do Iran, Cuba and Egypt all have in common? Well, they all have governments which suppress dissent and they all…

How to break free in Iran

Although Iran’s Judiciary Chief claims that websites can’t be banned without a verdict from the court of justice – stating the Islamic Republic cherishes freedom of speech is a ludicrous statement considering the ever-increasing restrictions in the country – this week sees a small victory for the more reformist-minded: Female activists in Iran scored a…

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