Very elastic values

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is allegedly the “new Hitler” unless, of course, there is some money to be made, in which case… An Israeli company has recently supplied thousands of high-tech security systems to Iran for the protection of its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel Radio reported on Tuesday. Israel Radio said Iran bought more than…

The Independent Weekly examines Blogging book

The following book review of The Blogging Revolution, in Adelaide’s Independent Weekly, was published by Kate Lockett on August 29: Did you know that Iran has around one million bloggers, that Farsi is in the top five languages used on the internet or that 20 per cent of Saudi Arabians are now online? Australian journalist…

The Iranian perspective

Sadegh Zibakalam, Bitterlemons International, August 28: Iranian support for the newly established Iraqi regime was quite reasonable and to be expected. The Iranians fought eight long years to witness a Shi’ite-dominated government in Iraq. Iran lost a million of its people in that war, its economy was shattered and the Islamic republic lost nearly all…

Bombing. Iran. Never. Makes. Sense

The Lowy Interpreter is the blog for one of Australia’s leading think-tanks, the Lowy Institute. Following a post last week that discussed Israel’s supposed fears of Iran’s nuclear facilities – strongly suggesting that an Israeli military strike was not unlikely and even understandable because the Zionist state feared destruction – I wrote a response that…

How web rights are coming

My new book, The Blogging Revolution, is officially released on September 1. Over the coming weeks and months there will be extensive coverage and discussion both here in Australia and internationally (all of it covered on this site and the book’s website). As a great start, here’s a post from Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for…

Speaking for the silent

The Baha’i faith is mercilessly persecuted in Iran. Since the 1979 Revolution, the mullahs have attempted to destroy the religion, without success (I recently met a Baha’i woman here in Sydney who had just returned from a pilgrimage from Haifa, Israel, the true home of their religion.) The following is taken from the acclaimed film,…

The Blogging Revolution lands

My following essay appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The young online tribe is more interested in discussing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll than political revolution, writes Antony Loewenstein Early last month, some Iranian members of parliament voted to debate a draft bill that aimed to “toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society” by adding…

What sensible Jews should support

Following the worldwide release last week of a Jewish petition opposing a military strike against Iran – signed by any number of Jews from across the world, including Noam Chomsky and yours truly – now this from the neo-con Commentary blog: Speaking of useful idiots, last week activist website The Struggle published an appeal in…

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