Don’t talk to the Jews or Americans

What happened to Iran’s vice president for tourism and the director of the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization when he recently said his country was “a friend of all people in the world, even Israelis and Americans”?

The ugliness within

The dark reality of Ahmadinejad’s Iran: Repression against labour activists in Iran is intensifying. In recent weeks, there have been numerous cases of arrests and jailings. Most shocking perhaps was the sentencing of two women labour activists (Sousan Razani and Shiva Kheirabadi) to 15 lashes and four months in prison — for the “crime” of…

Jewish international opposition statement against attack on Iran

I am a signatory, along with Noam Chomsky and a number of other Jews around the world, to the following petition, currently being spread far and wide: Efforts to beat the drums of war for an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactor facilities are promoted in both the USA and Israel scenes. … The recent New York…

How to lose Jewish friends in one easy step

Naomi Ragen is a prominent American-Israeli writer and playwright about to visit Melbourne for the writer’s festival. She is a typical, radical Zionist who believes that “terrorists” should be killed by the Jewish state. “We need to kill these people”, she told the Sydney Morning Herald today. Her message of peace? No withdrawals from occupied,…

Living in a Zionist bubble

You think the neo-cons are dead? Dead wrong, they’re pushing America or Israel to military strike Iran and seem to have no idea about the possible consequences. Extremist Zionism lives another day:

Women stay home

So much for the Olympic dream: 10,000 athletes from 200 countries are about to gather in Beijing under the banner “One World, One Dream.” But for sportswomen from countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iran, that dream remains unfulfilled. While the International Olympic Committee bans any gender discrimination, these Gulf countries invoke “cultural and…

How not to be yourself

Be Like Others is an amazing documentary on a hidden world in Iran: In a country where homosexuality is punishable by death, the state has discovered a ”˜cure’. Welcome to Iran, where male is male and female is female – with nothing in between; where a 1979 fatwa authorised sex-change operations for ”˜diagnosed transsexuals’ and…

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