Eat non-terrorist burgers

America isn’t just losing the “war on terror” because it’s endlessly clueless about how to defeat an ideology that thrives on invasion and occupation. It’s also losing because the FBI has been spending valuable time investigating people’s shopping trolleys: “The FBI sifted through customer data collected by San Francisco-area grocery stores in 2005 and 2006,…

Change can only come from within

Arash Abadpour, The Manitoban, October 24: For a country with a double-digit inflation rate, regime change is only a matter of time. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s humiliation at Columbia University and the criticism that followed it in the Iranian government ranks was only one other sign that the group which rules the Islamic Republic is…

Standing up for rights

While radical Zionists wonder why Iran hasn’t been thoroughly defeated, bombed, liberated and Westernised by lunchtime, human rights abuses in the Islamic Republic undoubtedly continue to occur. This time an Iranian woman who dared to protest against inequalities in the law between men and women: Delaram Ali, woman’s rights defender, ”¦ was sentenced to 2…

Declaring victory

One of Australia’s major Murdoch commentators offers his insights into Iraq: There is a reason Iraq has almost disappeared as an election issue. Here it is: The battle is actually over. Iraq has been won. I know this will seem to many of you an insane claim. Ridiculous! After all, haven’t you read countless stories…

Please don’t complicate matters

The coming war with Iran is discussed by mainstream commentators with little grasp of the issues and an infantile “he said/she said” mentality. The war would be a disaster, and anybody who says otherwise is simply pimping for one side of politics or relishing the charming idea of bombing the Iranians to smithereens. A diversity…

Finding fault with Iran

With all the talk of an imminent strike against Iran, it’s sometimes easy to forget the true nature of the Ahmadinejad regime. Some people are clearly appreciative of its stance: Armenian Americans slammed the decision by a university in the Armenian capital of Yerevan to honor Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad during a state visit…

The Rudd delusion

My latest New Matilda column is about the likely foreign policy of a Kevin Rudd government (namely, pretty damn similar to the current mob): The coming Federal election will be a contest between a social and economic conservative (John Howard) and a marginally less social and economic conservative (Kevin Rudd). Those so-called progressives, such as…

What the authorities don’t like

My Iranian blogger comrade, Kamangir, lives in Canada and writes almost daily on the repression suffered by many of his countrymen and women back home. For this “crime”, he has now been slammed by conservative forces in Iran, surely a sign he is having an effect. In solidarity.

Iran is not a threat

International Atomic Energy Agency chairman Mohammed ElBaradei on Iran: I have not received any information that there is a concrete, active nuclear weapon program going on right now. ”¦ We have information that there have been maybe some studies about possible weaponization. But we are looking into these alleged studies with Iran right now. ”¦…

Head says yes, body says no

Lesson number 2521 in journalism: Never trust a New York Times columnist, such as David Brooks, who regularly meets with the US President and believes, after reading his body language, that he won’t attack Iran. Yes, he’s paid for these “insights.”

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