Would Iraq, still under Saddam, have embraced the Arab Spring?

With over one million Iraqis dead and millions displaced since the 2003 invasion, it’s a fascinating question asked in Foreign Policy… (though the idea of US military intervention is hardly an answer to anything, as history always shows): In a tumultuous year that witnessed the fall of Arab tyrants and the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, proponents…

Iraq, quasi independent, dares challenge mercenaries

Being a truly independent nation, which Iraq clearly is not post US occupation, would mean that foreign security forces and private contractors would have strict rules of operation. Supporters of this ever-growing global movement might not like it, but this could well be the beginning of something important for the failed nation; exercising real autonomy…

This is how our empire rolls; take resources and kill civilians

American imperialist arrogance is almost comical in its ineptitude. Invade Iraq, kill so many and still make off with the oil contracts. This piece in the Washington Post by John Tierman is that rare piece of remembrance of the mostly nameless civilians we kill in the name of freedom and democracy. And we wonder why…

Big Brother shouldn’t be listening but he does 24/7

When this kind of information circulates around the world… Freedom of speech might allow journalists to get away with a lot in America, but the Department of Homeland Security is on the ready to make sure that the government is keeping dibs on who is saying what. Under the National Operations Center (NOC)’s Media Monitoring…

Memo to blind Zionists; never-ending occupation is having a PR problem

Interesting piece in Salon that will be familiar to many of us but the key theme is that debate in the US over Israel/Palestine is shifting and the Israeli Foreign Ministry can’t dictate as much as before: Criticism of the special relationship, once rare, is now frequent.… Newsweek/Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan … has become a… regularsource… of attacks on…

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