How the MSM loves to smear Assange

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on the establishment media’s constant and obsessive campaign to discredit Julian Assange. Shooting the messenger is an old tactic but now corporate journalists are joining in: It’s not hard to see why The New York Times, CNN and so many other establishment media outlets are eager to do that. … Serving the Government’s…

If Washington doesn’t pursue Blackwater, somebody has to

Let’s get this straight. The US government has smeared the latest Wikileaks Iraq information dump and apparently has no interest in investigating anything. The Iraqi government, undeniably corrupt and broken, has a rather different attitude: The Iraqi government says that it will investigate whether employees of the Blackwater security company were involved in hitherto undisclosed…

Needing security to protect the Wikileaks asset

This is a battle for public opinion but only of these players has access to extra-judicial methods: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Israeli television he was taking security precautions following the release of nearly 400,000 secret US military documents on the Iraq war. “No, I’m not running for my life, but we do have…

The Pentagon bathes in blood on a daily basis

With customary passion, Robert Fisk on the real significance of the Wikleaks Iraq dump: As usual, the Arabs knew. They knew all about the mass torture, the promiscuous shooting of civilians, the outrageous use of air power against family homes, the vicious American and British mercenaries, the cemeteries of the innocent dead. All of Iraq…

They torture, we ignore

How we built a Western-backed, torturing nation: How the newly released US military files reveal an instruction to ignore detainee abuse by Iraqi authorities.

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