What seven years of occupation does

The legacy: Iraq has between 25 and 50 percent unemployment, a dysfunctional parliament, rampant disease, an epidemic of mental illness, and sprawling slums. The killing of innocent people has become part of daily life. What a havoc the United States has wreaked in Iraq. UN-HABITAT, an agency of the United Nations, recently published a 218-page…

Fisk on America’s great loss in Iraq

Robert Fisk writes on the legacy the US has left Iraq: …The millions of American soldiers who have passed through Iraq have brought the Iraqis a plague. From Afghanistan – in which they showed as much interest after 2001 as they will show when they start “leaving” that country next year – they brought the…

American “freedom” means endless colonisation

The New York Sun wishes the US occupation of Iraq (and anywhere, really) could last forever: We don’t make any predictions about what the Congress is going to do now that President Obama has withdrawn the last combat brigade from a country where, during his campaign, he insisted we never should have fought a war.…

We left Iraq devastated

My friend Mike Otterman, with whom I recently spoke in New York about Iraq and Palestine, has a piece in the Christian Science Monitor on Iraqi refugees, the silent victims of our devastating war: Bombs still detonate and Iraqi political factions remain deadlocked, but American pundits and politicians have vied to take credit for US…

Floating towards war with Iran, via Israel and Zionists

I constantly write about Iran because I both fear what Israel and/or America may do to the nation and the profound human rights abuses occurring inside the country. But these days the threat of military action against the Islamic Republic is growing. Many of the same figures who pushed for war against Iraq have now…

Afghan war isn’t some noble exercise; it’s empire building

Afghanistan is essentially absent from the Australian election campaign. In fact, any foreign affairs are missing in action. Parochialism is the name of the game. Today’s Australian features a mindless quote from Julia Gillard that the risk of further Australian deaths in Afghanistan is real. Very insightful. A foreign affairs “expert”, Michael Fullilove, offers this…

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