Being an Iraqi in Lebanon

The Iraq war has produced nightmares for generations: When one mentions refugees in Lebanon, one usually thinks about the estimated 300,000 Palestinians who live here in appalling social and economic conditions. But an estimated 50,000 Iraqis have sought refuge in Lebanon in the last few years, most of them without legal status and in constant…

Tony Blair likes to link Middle East “peace” to blood for oil

Does anybody still respect Tony Blair? Tony Blair waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq. The former Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation. Mr Blair…

Water wars in the Mid-East are on the horizon

An editorial in the latest edition of Middle East Report on the issue of dwindling water resources in the region: The Middle East is running out of water. It is a statement that may seem both banal and unduly apocalyptic. Most of the land in this arid region is desert. Large oil-exporting states like Saudi…

The danger of rampant Zionism catching on in middle America?

Leading Australian thinker and academic Scott Burchill comments on the recent revelations that American General David Petraeus is publicly linking the Middle East conflict and Washington’s failures in the Muslim world: Assuming that [Mark] Perry’s report is accurate – and it apparently is – it’s quite a significant development. If the Pentagon decides to flex…

Blair was dying to bomb the streets of Baghdad

How much more sordid can this tale become? Tony Blair‘s secret links to Gulf oil giants were revealed today as fresh details emerged of his “carte blanche” support for George Bush‘s Iraq war. The former prime minister has been in the pay of the Kuwaiti government and a South Korean oil firm for up to…

The war in Iraq cannot be forgotten

The Iraq war started seven years ago. It has caused unbelievable civilian suffering, something largely ignored by the corporate press. Lest we forget: Democracy Now! this week interviewed Yanar Mohammed, president of the Baghdad-based Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq: …the economic agenda in Iraq, the privatization, the heavy privatization, that’s happened in Iraq in…

Iran, Iran, Iran (don’t talk about Israel and settlements)

Just in case we’d forgotten why Washington should never pressure Israel (today it’s Iran, yesterday it’s Iraq and perhaps in years to come…Venezuela?): As more than a dozen lawmakers go on record to ask the Obama administration to end the diplomatic spat with Israel following Vice President Joe Biden‘s visit, some are now warning that…

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