Daily life in Baghdad

A fisherman in Baghdad speaks to Dahr Jamail and Jason Coppola in the shadow of the massive new US embassy on the Tigris River about life during occupation:

Protest the criminals

MJ Rosenberg of the Israel Policy Forum: This is interesting. Ha’aretz reports that students at Tel Aviv University are protesting the appointment to a lecturer position of an IDF colonel involved in approving strikes against civilians in Gaza. I had wondered what happened to Israel’s usually vigorous anti-war movement which has come out in force…

Why can’t the Iraqis just love being killed?

Think Progress reports on the latest neo-con attempt to defend American violence in Iraq: AEI’s Fred Kagan, the architect of the Iraq surge, has a history of grossly misreading events on the ground in Iraq. In August 2007, amidst the height of skyrocketing violence in Iraq, Kagan claimed that “sectarian deaths” were “way down.” After…

What price for information?

Being a journalist, even in so-called “democracies”, can be a deadly business: The number of journalists and other media workers killed as they carried out their jobs across the globe fell to 70 last year, according to figures released today by the World Association of Newspapers. Global media fatalities in 2008 were down from the…

Just don’t mention the settlements

Think Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias challenges the militant Zionist view that peace in the Middle East will only come when Iran is crushed: Israel’s Palestinian problem is fairly simple to define—there are millions of Palestinians living in Israeli-controlled territory. To preserve its Jewish character, Israel doesn’t want to give these Palestinians the rights of Israeli…

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