Stenographer discovers the real Loewenstein

On the day before Islamic terrorists launched their latest attack on Mumbai, Sydney writer Antony Loewenstein delivered a speech at Harvard University in the US. Readers, it’s time to admit something (already picked up by this crafty Murdoch hack in Sydney.) My words at Harvard this week actually triggered a sleeper cell in India. Blame…

The end of oppression?

The Iraqi parliament voted by an overwhelming show of hands yesterday to end US military control of their country – a crucial turning point in the Iraq conflict. The security agreement, the outcome of lengthy and rancorous negotiations, requires US forces to leave Iraqi cities, towns and villages by 30 June next year. American troops…

Just a few more hitches on the path to freedom

Democracy is on the march in Iraq, we’re constantly told, except blogger Suadad Al-Salhy writes from inside the parliament and finds: It seems like 70% of the Iraqi MP’s have no idea what is in the [status of forces] agreement. This is clear from the complaints and criticisms that I hear when I am listening…

Line them up in the dock

One of Britain’s most authoritative judicial figures last night delivered a blistering attack on the invasion of Iraq, describing it as a serious violation of international law, and accusing Britain and the US of acting like a “world vigilante”.

So now what?

My latest New Matilda column is about a necessary reality check on President-elect Barack Obama: Talking about morality in international affairs is easy. What about action? Antony Loewenstein examines the tough foreign policy challenges facing the President-elect An unprecedented amount of hyperbole from the international media heralded last week’s election of Barack Obama to the…

Washington Prism on blogging

Washington Prism is a “weekly on-line journal of culture, politics and public affairs in Persian [and English], dedicated to bringing the news and views of concern from the United States and beyond to the Persian speaking countries and communities in an accurate, comprehensive and analytical manner.” I was interviewed recently by Hamid Tehrani about my…

History always repeats

Jean-Paul Sartre, The Sleepwalkers, Les Temps Modernes, April 1962: “… For seven years, France has been a mad dog dragging a saucepan tied to its tail, every day unaware that we have ruined, starved and massacred a nation of poor people to bring them to their knees. They remained standing. But at what a price!…

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