How to confuse a country in one easy step

One side of modern Iraq: Abdul Hussein Abdul Razzaq laughs wearily when asked if racism is a problem in Iraq. As a black Iraqi, Razzaq says, he faces job and social discrimination and has little chance of getting a political appointment or being elected if he ran for public office. That’s why Razzaq, a longtime…

In his own words

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to CNN and host Larry King can’t seem to understand why the Islamic Republic may be upset that the US supported Saddam Hussein for many years:

Terrorists are our friends

Farnaz Fassihi, Iranian American correspondent in Iraq for the Wall Street Journal, Democracy Now!: I think that the fact that the violence came down is because of three reasons. It’s because of the surge, one reason. It’s also because of the Americans putting the Sunni insurgents on the payroll. They’re paying about $300 a month…

How to ruin a country

The reality of Iraq all too easily ignored by our mainstream media (including the murder of one million people). The truth on CSPAN: The most shocking testimony I have ever heard about the war”¦.Today 3 Iraqi men testified, one who was Chief Investigator of the Iraqi Public Integrity Commission (likened to the CIA here) to…

How to bring “liberation” to Iraq

So much for the “success” of the surge in Iraq: Satellite images taken at night show heavily Sunni Arab neighborhoods of Baghdad began emptying before a U.S. troop surge in 2007, graphic evidence of ethnic cleansing that preceded a drop in violence, according to a report published on Friday. The images support the view of…

All Muslims are suspect

The following DVD is currently being distributed in newspapers across the US, warning citizens about the supposed dangers of militant Islam. It’s about as subtle as a sledge-hammer. Terrorism against civilians is a crime. Resistance to occupation is not, whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan or Palestine:

When peace is never achievable

Middle East Report editorial, Fall 2008: It’s easy to forget, but the United States has a pressing year-end deadline to meet in Israel-Palestine as well as in Iraq. At Annapolis in November 2007, President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to “make every effort” to hammer out…

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