The biggest lie of all

How is this not front page news across the world? Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery.

How to lose Jewish friends in one easy step

Naomi Ragen is a prominent American-Israeli writer and playwright about to visit Melbourne for the writer’s festival. She is a typical, radical Zionist who believes that “terrorists” should be killed by the Jewish state. “We need to kill these people”, she told the Sydney Morning Herald today. Her message of peace? No withdrawals from occupied,…

Thank you, Tehran

Through all the difficulties in Iraq, people look now to Iran, not the U.S., for a better life. Why? The average house in Baquba, capital of Diyala province north of Baghdad, has less than 12 hours of electricity a day. “I cannot exclude electricity from my thinking; when I think of making any plans, I…

Chaos limited

So, the Iraq war was launched by the Bush administration thanks to a forged letter (according to a new book in the US.) And now, due to Wikileaks, more essential background: “The legal basis for the war itself was, and still is, controversial. There is a military need, at least, at the outset of operations…

To leave or not to leave?

Dr. Steven Kull, Director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes, gave testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight on July 30: How is it that on one hand Iraqis think the presence of US troops makes the security situation worse and they should leave…

Tell us what you really think

David Kilcullen is an Australian who has spent the last years working with the Bush administration in its fights against “terror.” Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper wrote this about him in late 2006: Meet David Kilcullen, a 40-year-old former Australian infantry commander who likes nothing more than getting dirt on his boots as he switches between…

Who really controls Iraq

My following review is about the book by The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn, Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq: Kristofer Shawn Goldsmith was a former army sergeant in the US army. He enlisted in late 2003 at age eighteen and believed then, “under the influence of the media and its terrorism paranoia”, that Saddam Hussein…

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