Why I won’t be celebrating 60 years of Israel

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: Like Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s recent apology to the Stolen Generations, the local Jewish community celebrated the gesture of reconciliation to the indigenous population, but as I wrote in Haaretz remained unwilling to extend this sentiment to the Palestinians. Rudd’s parliamentary motion to celebrate Israel’s 60th…

Our kind of arms dealer

One side of a sordid story: One of the world’s most notorious arms dealers, suspected of supplying weapons to the Taliban and Al Qaeda and of pouring huge arms shipments into Africa’s civil wars with his own private air fleet, was arrested by Thai authorities in a hotel here Thursday. His capture was prompted by…

George, may I use tongue?

Bob Geldof writes a love letter to George W. Bush. (Yes, it’s as undignified and delusional as you’d expect): On Air Force One, Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Bobby Pittman, the National Security Council adviser for Africa, and I stayed awake as the pitch night engulfed us, only punctuated by the…

History does repeat itself

Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts, February: Not very long ago, as you all recall, it was taken for granted that the Iraq war would be the central issue in the 2008 election, as it was in the midterm election two years ago. However, it’s virtually disappeared off the radar screen, which has solicited some puzzlement among the…

News flash!

The New Statesman gets the memo a few years late: It’s official: Blair’s government set out to deceive us about Iraq. More here.

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