Ignoring the occupied

Noam Chomsky, February 23: Amid the outpouring of good news from across the region, there is now much earnest debate among political candidates, government officials and commentators concerning the options available to the US in Iraq. One voice is consistently missing: that of Iraqis. Their “shared beliefs” are well known, as in the past. But…

The hell continues

This is the real Iraq: What the U.S. has been calling the success of a “surge”, many Iraqis see as evidence of catastrophe. Where U.S. forces point to peace and calm, local Iraqis find an eerie silence.…  And when U.S. forces speak of a reduction in violence, many Iraqis simply do not know what they…

This is what demcracy doesn’t look like

A revealing anecdote from Iraq by an American journalist who visited last year: In Mosul last March, the Provincial Reconstruction Team took me to a meeting of one of Iraq’s new terrorism tribunals. Three judges were trucked up from Baghdad to preside over Baghdad-related terrorism cases — all in Mosul, so the insurgents wouldn’t, you…

Our enemies are civilians

A Salon “exclusive“: Inside a secret high-tech control center the U.S. Air Force targets enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan. But can they bomb them legally, and without killing innocents? The fact that a growing number of civilians are being killed by America’s air-war against the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan would suggest that in fact…

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