Blogging for freedom (and torture)

The democratisation of media continues apace: Since CNN embraced the citizen journalist movement in August 2006 with the launch of its iReport initiative, the news organization has received nearly 100,000 news-related photos and videos from viewers. Yet fewer than 10% of those submissions have appeared on or the cable channel. That’s all about to…

But daddy, the natives want to be liberated

Britain, please put the military adventures back in your pants; it’s far less likely to kill innocent civilians: The foreign secretary, David Miliband, will today set out the clearest exposition yet of Labour’s recast foreign policy when he will argue that mistakes made in Iraq and Afghanistan must not cloud the moral imperative to intervene…

The real “surge”

Akram Naji, a lawyer in Baghdad: “Americans are still supporting Iranian influence in Iraq by cleansing Baghdad and surroundings of Sunnis.”

The day after next

Dahr Jamail, The Nation, February 8, on the likely effects of a US withdrawal from Iraq: We have a specific example of what would likely happen throughout Iraq if the US were to withdraw completely. When the Brits recently pulled out of their last base in Basra City late last year, The Independent reported that…

The storm brews

Is Iraq about to explode in further violence? In the alleys of the ancient district of al-Salaikh in Baghdad, a Shia family fought a fierce gun battle with Sunni militiamen who tried to stop them reoccupying their house from which they had been forced to flee months earlier. The Shia family got the worst of…

The million-person exodus

While some journalists remain embedded with American troops in Iraq – “Being out here, the one thing that is most striking is how cut off you feel from the political fight over Iraq back home” – my friend Mike Otterman, author of American Torture, recently visited Syria to speak to refugees fleeing the Iraqi carnage:…

A number of ways to kill an Arab

Wikileaks, one of the most important websites at the moment for releasing information bound to embarrass the establishment, scores another exclusive: American military forces in Iraq were authorized to pursue former members of Saddam Hussein’s government and terrorists across Iraq’s borders into Iran and Syria, according to a classified 2005 document that has been made…

Impeachment is just the beginning

Harper’s Scott Horton makes the case for still considering impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush in the last months of his presidency: As the final eleven months of the Bush Administration are being counted off in Washington, the accepted wisdom is that impeachment must be taken off the table. The end is now so close…

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