Beyond the Green Zone

My following book review appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Author: Dahr Jamail Publisher: Haymarket Books Pages: 313 Price: $39.95 Nearly five years since the start of the Iraq war, we still know remarkably little about the conflict and its effect on the Iraqi people. A recent study by British polling agency ORB found that…

Merely the next stage

Patrick Cockburn, The Independent, December 11: As British forces come to the end of their role in Iraq, what sort of country do they leave behind? Has the United States turned the tide in Baghdad? Does the fall in violence mean that the country is stabilising after more than four years of war? Or are…

Time for Jews to stand up and be counted

There are an increasing number of Jews trying to challenge the militaristic, neo-conservative fantasy of radical Jews who believe in the concept of endless war in the Middle East. Tragically, many Diaspora communities have allowed these Zionist lobbies to represent and speak for them, pushing war in Iraq, a strike against Iran and brutality against…

The public speak (and the elite doesn’t listen)

Greg Mitchell (editor of Editor and Publisher), December 10: The most idiotic campaign punditry in recent days has been the assertion that the Iraq war as an issue is so over. Like, so last summer. It reached a climax today, Tuesday, with David Brooks’ column in The New York Times declaring that we are now…

Not negotiable

My latest New Matilda column is about the recent Annapolis conference and the Zionist lobby’s failure to understand how the political realities are changing: Despite the rhetoric wafting from the Zionist camp that most West Bank settlements would be abandoned in a peace deal, a recent poll found that the vast majority of these settlers…

Unfit to serve

Keith Olbermann delivers another Special Comment on the Bush lies over Iran (why is it so hard for our mainstream media to call our leaders for what they truly are? Charlatans):

Killing for black gold

A new documentary, Battle for Basra, outlines the struggles over the city and its vast oil reserves. Suffice to say, this is the real significance of the war and why the carnage will continue for years to come:

No peace in Israel-Palestine

My following article in the Melbourne Age, co-written with Michael Shaik, the public advocate for Australians for Palestine, is about the realities on the ground in Palestine: It is difficult to overstate the lost opportunity that last week’s Annapolis conference represents. The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, had agreed to all of Israel’s preconditions for negotiations…

How many wrongs does it take?

As Salon’s Glenn Greenwald ably demonstrates, the many supposedly serious foreign policy “experts”, commentators and politicians warning about a nuclear Iran have been proven wrong by the latest NIE report. And yet the mainstream media still publish those who were criminally wrong about Iraq and seemingly want America to launch yet another pre-emptive strike against…

What we say goes

Noam…  Chomsky, Japan Focus, November 26: Remember the background. The Iraqi population is overwhelmingly calling for a withdrawal. The US government knows this from its own polls. The US population is calling for a withdrawal. The last congressional election was about this. The response? Escalate. As soon as you saw the surge was announced you…

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