Will non-racist Jews please stand up?

What will it take for the “leaders” of the American Zionist lobby to be called on their casual racism towards Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims? The ADL’s Abe Foxman, who rejects the Islamic centre in the heart of New York, is the face of Zionist bigotry.

Washington fails in the Middle East and people notice

The Arab world realises that Barack Obama is George W. Bush with a better speech-writer: A new poll of Arab public opinion finds a significant drop in Arab world views of President Obama from a year ago. The 2010 Arab Public Opinion poll will be released Thursday at the Brookings Institution by Shibley Telhami, of…

Jews who love the burka

Extreme religious behaviour isn’t just Islamic: At the insistence of the husbands of some burka-wearing women, a leading rabbinical authority is to issue an edict declaring burka wearing a sexual fetish that is as promiscuous as wearing too little. Since then, the habit has spread to five other Israeli towns causing alarm among ultra-orthodox religious…

“Fortress Israel” is a nice place to be

Increasingly, the Zionist world frames itself as the victim in the Middle East – “nobody understands us” and “if only the West would offer unconditional backing for our enlightened occupation” – and this Jerusalem Post interview with Britain’s departing ambassador to the country reveals a newspaper editor who just wants to be loved. He needs…

Peres whinges that Britain doesn’t love Israel to death

This is rich coming from an old war criminal and father of the settlements in the West Bank. The idea that Israel may be criticised in the West is seemingly beyond understanding in insulated Israel. And note the casual racism towards Muslims. The supposedly moderate face of Zionism: Shimon Peres said England was “deeply pro-Arab…

Rabid Jew just a product of the Zionist system

Of course this man isn’t a terrorist, merely a misguided Jewish man. If he was Muslim, of course… Police released the head rabbi of a prominent yeshiva yesterday hours after arresting him for encouraging to kill non-Jews. Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, head of the Od Yosef Hai Yeshiva and author of “The King’s Torah,” was arrested…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

Slamming Islam isn’t just encouraged, it’s praised

This is from a major political leader in the US, a growing trend of open bigotry towards Muslims and likely to lead to growing schisms between the faith and wider community: There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The…

Smoking ladies cause divorce, Hamas laughably claims

Isolate a territory, target its rulers and don’t wonder why Islamism breeds (though it must be condemned and plays directly into Israeli hands): Gaza’s Hamas rulers are banning women from smoking water pipes (nargilas) in cafes, claiming it violates tradition and leads to divorce. The new order went into effect last week, and several cafe…

Can we please hear Muslims when writing about Muslims?

The recent move in the French parliament to ban the public wearing of the burka was a major story that showed the growing intolerance of Western Europe towards Islam. It wasn’t really about women’s rights as much as subjecting Muslims to boundaries. Furthermore, much of the American press while reporting the story couldn’t even bother…

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