Walid Shoebat should not be heard in Pakistan

This is weird. Pakistan is reportedly planning to massively increase its online censorship regime. Just another US-backed dictatorship wanting to shut down debate. Not much new here except one site has supposedly already been blocked, of Mr Walid Shoebat, former Palestinian militant and now rabid Zionist and anti-Islam activist. Is Pakistan seriously banning this man…

Leading IDF lawyer explains how Israel justifies its action

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: On Tuesday lunchtime the Australian Human Rights Centre and the UNSW International Law and Policy Group (with assistance from the Israeli embassy) hosted a seminar on “The Fight against Terror: Practical Dilemmas in applying the Laws of War.” The two speakers were Professor Abraham Bell of Israel’s Bar-Ilan…

Who would like to condemn the racism of Geert Wilders?

Hands up the people who have heard many supposedly mainstream Jews calling Jordan the real Palestinian state? I have and this shameful attempt to essentially ignore the millions of Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza is sadly common amongst Muslim-hating Zionists. The Zionist right and far-right European politicians who loathe Islam are…

Obama’s zero results in the Muslim world

Commenting on a new Pew study that outlines growing Arab anger towards Barack Obama, Andrew Sullivan signals a win for the Zionist lobby and Israel’s right-wing; singing all the way over the cliff: The Arab world, for reasons both ugly and realistic, was waiting to see if Obama could actually wrest free of the pro-Israel…

My people like to slam all Muslims as terrorists

A new blog on the Foreign Policy in Focus website, Focal Points, aims to present a different perspective on the world. A recent post highlights the resistance to new mosques in America and guess who is fanning the flames? It has been said before that Al-Qaeda’s greatest victory was not September 11th but Abu Ghraib.…

The reasons most Israelis have no real interest in giving up the West Bank

While America’s neo-conservatives begin a full-fledged campaign of hatred directed at Turkey, this is how one of the United States’ major (war-supporting) Jewish writers, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, frames the debate; Israeli fear, paranoia and belligerence: Last night Mrs. Goldblog and I went to a dinner at which The Situation was the main topic of…

Syria, Iran and Turkey are now calling the shots

The major role of Turkey in the Middle East is shifting fast, damn fast. Old alliances, always formed around convenience over principle (that’s foreign affairs, I hear you say) are moving. Paul McGeough outlines what’s going on but a stronger analysis is by Pepe Escobar in Asia Times. Poor, little Washington just can’t control the…

Rules of the cyberjihad

In my book The Blogging Revolution I examine Tehran’s various methods of censoring the web and torturing online dissidents. That campaign is only getting worse and Western firms are complicit: Iran’s mullahcracy inevitably recalls the latter days of the Soviet Union. But — at least until the very end — the Soviet censors could clamp…

Jews who make excuses for not really speaking out

Following the revealing article in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald on Jewish dissent, these letters appear today: It saddens me that Peter Slezak wants to be a “non-Jewish Jew”, apparently glorying in some weird self-imposed excommunication (”Promised land needs home truth”, June 8). If he was an activist in the Australian Jewish community he would know…

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