The right to protest in Australia for Palestine

This really shouldn’t even be a story. Of course, the Zionist lobby (who should be called the Israeli propagandist lobby) don’t think Palestinians should be heard at all. Here’s Vic Alhadeff, a paid lobbyist who simply repeats everything spoken by the Netanyahu government (anti-intellectualism has a new name), condemning Sydney-siders who want to commemorate the…

Calling for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and Zionist lobby remains silent

If most mainstream politicians dare write or say anything overtly critical of Israel, they’ll be hounded. But if you advocate ethnic cleansing, as Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill) did recently, they’ll be deafening silence: Those Palestinians who wish to may leave their Fatah- and Hamas-created slums and move to the original Palestinian state: Jordan. The British…

Krugman on not writing about Israel/Palestine

Short but powerful piece by Paul Krugman on his New York Times blog: Something I’ve been meaning to do — and still don’t have the time to do properly — is say something about Peter Beinart’s brave book… The Crisis of Zionism. The truth is that like many liberal American Jews — and most American Jews…

This is not what courage looks like over Israel/Palestine

There really isn’t much to be added to this short but incisive post by Phil Weiss on Mondoweiss except to agree with his sentiments; the lack of guts by so many mainstream American intellectuals to comment on Zionism and the Israeli occupation of Palestine, as it’s seen as negatively affecting the career. Grow a pair,…

When will Jews get past their incessant victimhood?

Strong essay by Israeli Uri Avnery: Yeshayahu Leibowitz, an observant Jew, said years ago that the Jewish religion had practically died 200 years ago, and that the only thing that unites all Jews now is the Holocaust. There is much truth in this, but the Holocaust must be understood in this context as the culmination…

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