Israeli BDS campaigners support Australian BDS activists

Following the establishment pressure on Australian BDS activists – a futile attempt to silence people speaking out for Palestine by accusing them of Nazi-style tactics – here’s Israeli BDS campaigners sending a message of solidarity: We, Israeli citizens, members of Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within, would like to express our solidarity with…

Defending BDS activists to speak out against the crimes of the Zionist state

Following news this week that the Victorian government is investigating the role of all those “radicals” who dare protest an Israeli business that backs an occupying army, today’s development is ominous and suggests a wider public campaign is required. If any establishment figure wants to charge people for speaking up for Palestine and highlighting in…

Don’t tell me the Zionist lobby hasn’t bought the entire US Congress

There is no other country on Earth that requires such constant tending and obedience: Eighty-one congressmen, or about 20 percent of the US House of Representatives, will visit Israel over the next three weeks during Congress’s summer recess, with the first group of 26 Democrats scheduled to arrive on Monday. The Democratic delegation will be…

Anything to distract from crimes in Palestine; Australia to make BDS illegal?

This story is almost comical but shows the desperation of the establishment in Australia to silence any serious, legitimate and legal civil disobedience against Israel crimes. Ignore the shameful spin; this has nothing to do with targeting Jewish businesses because they’re Jewish; when the “peace process” fails, Israel must pay a price for occupying the…

Is Australia capable of showing any backing for Palestine?

On current evidence, the Australian government is (close to being) utterly captured by the Zionist lobby, the US alliance and blindness towards racial apartheid in the occupied territories. Are we capable of leading on this issue, and recognising that simply indulging Israeli behaviour is the worst possible friendship? Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd wants Australia to…

What scared Zionists need to hear daily; everybody hates us, always

Just what the Australian Jewish community needs. A leading Jewish American, Zionist lobbyist – David Harris is the Executive Director of the the American Jewish Committee – comes here and talks about how weak Jews are and how the world hates Jews/Israel/democracy. Make people scared. Keep them ignorant. Don’t explain why growing numbers of people…

What US occupation looks like on the ground

My following lead book review appeared in Saturday’s Sydney Morning Herald: INFERNAL TRIANGLE Paul McGeough Allen & Unwin, $32.99 This unblinking collection of dispatches separates the rhetoric from the reality of the post-September 11 battlefields. The new US Defence Secretary and former CIA director, Leon Panetta, recently told journalists the Obama administration was ”within reach”…

US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDS

The fact that such a figure can create such hysteria about BDS shows how effective it has become. And why? Because Zionism is addicted to occupation and oppressing Palestinians. That’s rather hard to defend, if the facts are actually heard. From the Australian Jewish News (aka the Pro-Colonist Times): One of America’s most high-profile Jewish…

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