Australia’s Zionist lobby shows that without direction from Israel, they’re lost

Interesting that some key Australian Jewish organisations are refusing to comment on the Israel/Australia passport scandal (and those who are speaking are so utterly unconvincing. Another own goal, guys). Perhaps they’re waiting for instructions from Jerusalem: Australian Jewish leaders say evidence of Israel’s alleged involvement in the Hamas assassination plot and forged passport scandal is…

Melbourne Age chastises Colombo over rights abuses

Following yesterday’s strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald over Sri Lanka, today the Melbourne Age adds its voice to the outcry. I can’t read these pieces and not think about the gutlessness of the corporate press when writing about the Middle East. Slamming Sri Lanka is risk-free for editors. Seriously challenging Israel’s occupation of…

US Congress acknowledges Gaza suffering

This is encouraging and proves that a few elements of humanity are not infected by the Zionist lobby: Fifty-four members of the U.S. Congress have signed a letter asking President Barack Obama to put pressure on Israel to ease the siege of the Gaza Strip. The letter was the initiative of Representatives Jim McDermott from…

J Street still has a little fight left for the struggle ahead

I have many issues with J Street (see here), but good on its head Jeremy Ben-Ami challenging the Israeli government over its increasingly erratic public statements: Being an Israeli ambassador these days can’t be easy. On the one hand, you’re working for a prime minister whose strong suit is public relations, who at least talks…

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