Settlers are just like you and me

A former AIPAC chief lobbyist reveals the plans of hardline Zionist groups in the US. Basically, pity the poor, helpless settlers being threatened with evacuation: If you can’t convince ’em, accuse ’em. That’s the advice from The Israel Project (TIP) for pro-Israel activists answering questions about settlements. Rather than try to defend Israeli settlements, change…

Tone down the Obama love

Mondoweiss writes: Sharing a cab to JFK, business for him, a frolic for me, Antony Loewenstein challenged me, If Israel bombs Iran, then you really… have to get over your adoration of Obama. But I said I wouldn’t. I would say… that Obama was compelled to accept the disaster, against the very fiber of his beliefs, because…

‘If You Don’t Agree With Us You’re Antisemitic’

My latest New Matilda column, co-written with Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull, responds to predictable charges of political bias by the Zionist lobby: Labor MP Michael Danby’s accusation of antisemitism against two Jewish writers is a false and dangerous misuse of that term, write the accused, Michael Brull and Antony Loewenstein Sometimes, people…

Why aren’t Jews outraged by Israeli occupation?

My following article appears in leading Israeli daily Haaretz: During this year’s AIPAC conference in Washington, Executive Director Howard Kohr warned the 7,000-plus crowd that the global movement to “delegitimize Israel” was gathering steam. “These voices are laying the predicate for an abandonment,” he said. His sentiments were almost apocalyptic: “The stakes in that battle…

How can we stop this madman?

Zionist fundamentalists are most displeased with that extremist, Muslim terrorist, Barack Obama: There is growing concern among the American Jewish community over Obama’s Mideast initiatives, this according to the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Malcolm Hoenlein. “President Obama’s strongest supporters among Jewish leaders are deeply troubled by…

Telling Australia how to behave well

The following article appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Several Labor MPs have expressed concerns about Julia Gillard’s upcoming trip to Israel, where the Deputy Prime Minister will lead a delegation to hold a dialogue with Israeli leaders. The MP for Fowler, Julia Irwin, an executive member of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group,…

Trying to hide the reality of apartheid (with a new, kinder face)

It’s curious that Zionists are constantly concerned that their efforts at selling Israel and Zionism is in need of a face-lift. A story in today’s Melbourne Age discusses a new blog, The Sensible Jew, that seems largely about how to promote Israel and Zionism in a nicer, less aggressive way. It’s hard to disagree with…

Race hatred in the heart of Israeli “democracy”

An important Haaretz editorial that requires little comment: The endorsing of a bill criminalizing anyone who marks the Palestinians’ Nakba Day on Israel’s Independence Day, making it punishable by three years in prison, is a hasty and dangerous act. The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a private member’s bill by Yisrael Beiteinu MK Alex Miller,…

Freedom means offending people

The curious case of US academic William Robinson under attack by the Israel lobby was mentioned here in late April. Since then, however, a number of free speech advocates have come forward to defend Robinson’s right to circulate a blog posting that juxtaposed images of Jews from the Holocaust with images of Palestinians in the…

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