Anti-Semitic remarks stop Palestine conference

The following article, by Josephine Tovey, appears today in the Sydney Morning Herald online: A conference on justice for Palestine due to be held tomorrow at State Parliament has been called off after several high-profile speakers withdrew from the event, citing revelations the convener had made anti-Semitic remarks. Maqsood Alshams, who had organised the conference…

The colonies are only one of the major problems

Stephen Walt, Foreign Affairs blog, January 26: Although it was the official policy of every President since Lyndon Johnson to oppose the construction of settlements, none of them put any serious pressure on Israel to stop. The first President Bush briefly withheld some loan guarantees in 1992 over this issue, but the guarantees were authorized…

Just don’t upset the Jews

BBC management may be scared of the Zionist lobby, but many staff are not: Last night (25 January), saw our inspiring occupation of the BBC in Glasgow in protest at their decision not to air the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal on behalf of Gaza. We simply managed to walk in to the lobby of this…

Being on the wrong side of history

The British broadcaster is both gutless and clearly petrified of the pernicious Zionist lobby: The BBC has refused to broadcast a national humanitarian appeal for Gaza, leaving aid agencies with a potential shortfall of millions of pounds in donations. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), an umbrella group for 13 aid charities, launched its appeal yesterday…

Look at them as dogs

Leading Amerian Zionist leader Abe Foxman on news that George Mitchell may be appointed Obama’s Mid-East envoy: “Sen. Mitchell is fair. He’s been meticulously even-handed,” said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “But the fact is, American policy in the Middle East hasn’t been ”˜even handed’ — it has been supportive of Israel…

The secret hand enters once again

What is the power of the Zionist lobby in Australia? Are there limits to free speech over Israel/Palestine? If stereotyping Jews is anti-Semitism (and it certainly can be), what about doing the same to the Muslim community?

Speech against the war in Gaza

I gave the following speech at the rally against the war in Gaza in Sydney today in front of roughly 5000 people: Stop the War on Gaza Rally 18/1/09 I stand before you as a human being first and a Jew second. The war against the Palestinian people in Gaza has shown Israel’s true face…

And some take a stand against Zionist bigotry

If a journalist in America dares criticise Israeli actions or accuses the Jewish state of criminal force, expect the Zionist lobby to accuse that person of anti-Semitism, hatred and a host of other terms. Thankfully some, like Bill Moyers, simply refuse to be intimidated.

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