Sky News interview on the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

My interview on Sky News Australia about the remarkable news of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange being released from Belmarsh prison in London. I’ve been a Wikileaks supporter and friend since its inception in 2006. It has released more important documents about the state of global power than any other media outlet in my lifetime.

The high stakes in the case of Julian Assange

The high stakes in the case of Julian Assange

Since its inception in 2006, Wikileaks has been a vitally important news organisation. As founder Julian Assange fights for his life and freedom, Al Jazeera English interviewed me about his case: “It’s an invaluable resource that remains utterly essential to understand how power works, not just US power, but global power,” Antony Loewenstein, an independent…

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview in El Confidencial. Banderas de Israel ondeando en manifestaciones de ultraderecha: así opera el ‘laboratorio palestino’

The Palestine Laboratory wins People’s Choice Award at 2024 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards

The Palestine Laboratory wins People’s Choice Award at 2024 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards

I was honoured to recently win the People’s Choice Award at the 2024 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards, one of the leading writing prizes in Australia, for my book, The Palestine Laboratory. The Guardian reports: This year’s people’s choice award went to The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World by…

Pan-Arab reading of the Palestine laboratory

Pan-Arab reading of the Palestine laboratory

Daraj Media is a a pan-Arab news service. Ahmed Al-Fakhrani, an Egyptian writer and novelist, reviews my book, The Palestine Laboratory. It’s a comprehensive and positive understanding of the research in my book. Read the whole review here in Arabic: هل تختبر إسرائيل الأسلحة الجديدة على الفلسطينيين ؟ – Daraj And an English translation: Is…

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