The Palestine Laboratory scores Walkley finalist position

The Palestine Laboratory scores Walkley finalist position

I’m excited to announce that my latest book, The Palestine Laboratory, published by Scribe in Australia and Verso in the US and UK, has been long-listed for Australia’s most prestigious journalism award, The Walkleys: I’m honoured to be a finalist alongside these fine other authors: Jackie Dent, The Great Dead Body Teachers, Ultimo Press Christine Kenneally,…

The AI “revolution” is piracy for authors

The AI “revolution” is piracy for authors

I recently discovered that some of my books are being used illegally to “train” AI models: This story in Books + Publishing explains what’s at stake: The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) has responded to the large-scale unauthorised use of books by Australian authors in a dataset used to train generative artificial intelligence. The training…

On not ignoring the struggles of Africa

On not ignoring the struggles of Africa

My essay/book review in the US outlet The Markaz Review is on a new book by the great writer, Anjan Sundaram, Break-Up: A Reporter’s Marriage Amid a Central African War: The Central African Republic (CAR) is mostly ignored in the mainstream media, but in sparse depictions it’s often portrayed as a faraway nation bedeviled by…

Discussing Lachlan Murdoch with Paddy Manning

Discussing Lachlan Murdoch with Paddy Manning

Journalist Paddy Manning has written a fascinating book on Lachlan Murdoch, the heir apparent of the global media empire, called The Successor. I interviewed him about the book and his methods behind it at this year’s Newcastle Writer’s Festival:  

Democracy Now! covers The Palestine Laboratory

The US TV show, Democracy Now!, interviewed me in a long 20-minute segment on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, where we discussed the EU use of Israeli drones, ethno-nationalism, Israeli spyware et al. I’ve previously appeared on Democracy Now! in 2008, 2013 and 2015.

“Antony Loewenstein has brought a book to a gunfight”

“Antony Loewenstein has brought a book to a gunfight”

My new book, The Palestine Laboratory, was positively reviewed in the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age on the weekend in a piece written by Michael Ruffles: Antony Loewenstein has brought a book to a gunfight, taking on Israel’s enormous and expanding military-industrial complex and invasive cyber spy operations with the low-tech tool of words…

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