When is the time to boycott?

When the political and media class routinely support tyranny in the name of ‘democracy’, community-led boycotts become essential. My latest essay in the Sydney Review of Books, a 3k+ word piece, on Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, BDS and reporter John Lyons’ fine new book, Dateline Jerusalem: Journalism’s Toughest Assignment.

The Afghan war as a grifter’s paradise

What was the post 9/11 Afghan war really about? This great New York-based, award-winning podcast, News Beat, has produced a one-hour examination of this very question, melding journalism with hip-hip. I’m one of the guests talking about disaster capitalism in the war-torn nation.

Launching Declassified Australia

I’m excited to announce this (launched late last week and already generating a lot of interest both locally and globally so stay tuned for more soon): The Australian media too often report the nation as a compliant ally of the US, the UK and the Western alliance but few ask questions about why and what…

Al Jazeera English documentary, Under the Cover of Covid

This is our new film on Al Jazeera English for the People and Power documentary strand: a global investigation into the serious threats to civil liberties and free speech during Covid-19. Made with great UK film maker Dan Davies (of Black Leaf Films), we show how governments across the globe, focusing on Singapore, Israel, the UK and…

The Conspiracy Virus podcast

Conspiracy theories have existed forever. In the modern age, think of the supposedly fake moon landing or 9/11 being an inside job (hint: it wasn’t). I’ve spent much of this year working with journalist Olivia Rosenman on a podcast series, The Conspiracy Virus, which has just been released by one of Australia’s biggest media outlets,…

RIP Robert Fisk

Legendary journalist Robert Fisk recently died and since we were colleagues and old mates I wanted to share some insights and memories: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Antony Loewenstein (@antloewenstein) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Antony Loewenstein (@antloewenstein)

Talking at Bethlehem University on our role as critical journalists

Happy to share details about my talk this week at Bethlehem University:   View this post on Instagram   This week I spoke at Bethlehem University to students and teachers about investigative journalism, the Middle East, humility, research, challenging power and our role as reporters in a time of disruption. Always encouraging to find students…

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