BDS isn’t akin to Nazi Germany and damn those who say so

My following essay appears in New Matilda today: Equating the BDS movement with Nazism is both offensive and outrageous. So why aren’t members of the Jewish community speaking out on this, asks Antony Loewenstein Joseph Stalin changed his name and so did New South Wales Federal Greens MP Lee… Rhiannon. Stalin, writes Alan Howe, executive editor…

Palestinian UN bid may be trap that should be avoided

Let nobody say the Palestinian Authority has the best interests of the Palestinians in mind: The Palestinian team responsible for preparing the United Nations initiative in September has been given an independent legal opinion that reveals a high risk involved with its plan to join the UN. An initiative to transfer the Palestinians’ representation from…

Romance of Hamas dwindling in Gaza?

When I was in Gaza in mid 2009, life was difficult for the residents due to the Israeli and Egyptian imposed siege. Outright hatred for Hamas was rare. Times may be changing: A budding middle class in the impoverished Gaza Strip is flaunting its wealth, sipping coffee at gleaming new cafes, shopping for shoes at…

Roll up to see “liberal” Australian Zionist power-broker ignore occupation

The Australian Zionist lobby has spent years demonising Arabs, Palestinians and moderate Jews in the name of “saving Zionism”. The effect? A Jewish state with a serious image problem. That’s money well spent, people. Now, a more “moderate” Zionist lobbyist is around, Albert Dadon. There’s nothing really different here – “we want peace”, he says,…

Roll up Zionist freaks; Glenn Beck is in Israel praising lunatics

So little comment is required here. If Israel was a serious nation and the global Zionist Diaspora was keen for respectability, they would distance themselves from this settler-embracing extremist who loves Jews because he hopes they’ll convert when the Rapture arrives. Haaretz: Some 3,000 people, mostly American Christians, filled the seats at the amphitheater in…

Jews have a choice over Palestine and silence equals complicity

Roger Cohen has been writing in the New York Times for some time about the responsibility of Jews not to remain silent in the face of Zionist occupation and violence. It’s a rare voice in the American mainstream. His latest missive, while dismissing boycotts as apparently morphing into anti-Semitism which ignores the failure of the…

30 years of “peace” between Egypt and Israel a sham

History is turning and proves that when a dictatorship makes “peace” with a Zionist state it breeds nothing more than resentment: On August 20, 2011 Egyptians mobilized for a demonstration in front of the Israeli Embassy demanding the removal of the flag and for the ambassador to leave. After hours of flag-burning trials. A man…

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