Why aren’t these bought Orientalist hacks stripped of legitimacy?

Further evidence of the moral and political bankruptcy of the intellectual and commentator class. How many whores were willing to work spruiking Mubarak’s brutal regime? And now this: In February 2007 Harvard professor Joseph Nye Jr., who developed the concept of “soft power,” visited Libya and sipped tea for three hours with Muammar Qaddafi. Months…

Avnery: Israel is on wrong side of history

Uri Avnery in a powerful column about the Zionist state walking off a cliff with its eyes open: Israel is dominated by the settlers, who resemble in spirit the Crusaders of the 12th century. Fundamentalist religious parties, not much different from their Iranian counterparts, play a major role in our state. The political and economic…

Israeli blogger documenting his country’s descent into fascism

Haaretz reports: “It’s important for me to say that personally I love this country,” Shaltiel says. “I would not be doing all this if I didn’t love it.” But the erosion of the foundations of democracy here is gathering momentum, he says, a process he naturally feels more intensely since he started to collect information.…

Rabid Zionist in Jerusalem: so much easier to just annihilate Arabs

Israeli citizen Joseph Dana and American, Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal are out to document Jewish nationalism (some background here). It’s mainstream, racist, loathes Palestinians, denies occupation is even occupation and speaks for a sizable percentage of the Jewish population of Israel. It’s about time the world starts to see what Zionism has become:

Israel’s Dubai hit taught them nothing

Jewish, American blogger Richard Silverstein uncovers what sounds like yet another Zionist violation of sovereignty in a foreign land: The wife of a Palestinian engineer has accused the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad of abducting her husband. Derar Abu Sisi went missing five days ago while visiting his Ukrainian wife in her home country. The Ukraine-based…

Perth Writer’s Festival, here I come

This will be fun. I’m about to head across to Perth in Western Australia for the Perth Writer’s Festival. My events: Sat 5 Mar, 2.00PM The invasion of Gaza in 2008 provoked worldwide condemnation and questions aboutIsrael’s right to exist. Some asked why other nations acting unjustly don’t face debate about the validity of their…

Hillary Clinton: “Al Jazeera is winning” message war

Almost comical. Like the Israelis, the Americans think that they can simply communicate better and use Twitter and the Muslim world will start to appreciate their dictator-friendly and Zionist occupation loving policies. Here’s Hillary Clinton mumbling about not winning the information war. As if they ever will (or should): “Let’s talk straight realpolitik,” Clinton said.…

Woman from Gaza confronts Zionist enforcer of status quo

For those of us in the pro-Palestinian and pro-justice community who recognise and call Israeli crimes for what they are, we must acknowledge we have a long way to go in the US: Americans’ views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict held fairly steady over the past year, with a near record-high 63% continuing to say their…

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