Guess what Israel; Egyptians don’t really care about maintaining Zionism

Haaretz editorial is right: The dramatic change over the border naturally gives rise to fears, but Israel must not interfere in its southern neighbor’s affairs. Egypt has no conflict with Israel and must not be presented as an enemy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must demonstrate restraint and self-control. His warnings that Egypt could turn into…

That rare Israeli voice welcoming Egyptian freedom

From Gideon Levy in Haaretz, of course: At 6 A.M. yesterday, shortly before dawn in Cairo, Al Jazeera correspondent correspondent, Jacky Rowland, described the massive street party happening around her as “the hangover of the revolution.” The big words are being taken out of storage. They are still wrapped in a plethora of fears and…

And we can dream that Palestine will be truly free

Gideon Levy in Haaretz reminds us that the struggle there for independence from Zionist occupation may take a little longer but justice is on the right side: This week, Jenin’s wonderland was to be found in Egypt. Residents of the refugee camp closely followed events in the land of the Nile, in a mood of…

Savouring what the Egyptian people achieved

Today’s Guardian editorial highlights the necessary move away from America and its corrupted policies in the Middle East. What truly sane and democratic nation wouldn’t want to break free from that? Thirty years of dictatorship disappeared in 30 seconds. This was the time it took for Vice-President Omar Suleiman to announce that Hosni Mubarak had…

So that’s what being a good Western ally means

This is what bribing allies does for you; false promises that can’t be kept and undermining democracy (which is, of course, exactly what Israel wants): Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman promised Israel in 2005 that he would prevent Hamas from gaining control over Gaza, according to a US diplomatic cable released on Friday. According to…

Zionist lobbyist wants us to believe Suleiman could reform

Seriously, when Israel lobbyist Martin Indyk – who loves to preach to Arabs that America cares deeply about democracy, as long as Zionism is helped along the way – says things like this, in today’s New York Times, you have to wonder why he continues being quoted: “The administration had been looking toward Suleiman to…

Suleiman adds another victim to his list

Australian Mamdouh Habib was tortured by the US and Israeli favourite and now information of another poor soul: Omar Suleiman – spymaster, CIA ally and heir apparent to Egypt’s throne – has been accused in the interrogation of a Canadian citizen tortured overseas. The allegation appears in the federal findings from a former Canadian Supreme…

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