Why one-state solution makes sense (told in the Wash Post)

Poignant, beautiful, sensible and moderate piece by Palestinian George Bisharat in the Washington Post. The one-state solution lands with a thud in the pages of the American mainstream press: “Where is the Palestinian Mandela?” pundits occasionally ask. But after these latest Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington fail — as they inevitably will — the more…

Massive Attack embrace BDS

The cultural boycott of Israel grows strongly with news such as this: The movement for a cultural boycott of Israel in response to its treatment of the Palestinians, modelled on the boycott of apartheid South Africa, could eclipse decades of disingenuous political charades in engaging western intellectuals, academics and artists. Internationally renowned figures such as…

Churches standing up to ‘pro-Israel’ politicians

My following article appears today in Eureka Street: The Australian Jewish News (AJN) was outraged. Its editorial in late July condemned the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) for a resolution calling on Australians to boycott Israeli goods made in the occupied Palestinian territories. The AJN wrote that the move contributed to a global…

Dreaming of a two-state solution

As “peace talks” begin between Washington, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Reza Aslan writes in the Daily Beast that nobody should get excited (including the feckless media which seem to love reporting on renewed colour and movement): I recognize that those of us in the media who want peace for Israel and dignity for Palestine…

Jews looting Palestinian books in 1948

Only a few years after the Holocaust, this reveals the depravity of many early Zionists: The Great Book Robbery is a multifaceted cultural heritage project. It has two major components, a documentary film to be produced, broadcast and screened internationally and this very website which will grow into a multi-function platform. Two European broadcasters already…

What’s wrong with humiliating Palestinians?

These two pieces really speak for themselves. The moral corruption of the Israeli occupation in all its gruesome detail. First up, Aluf Benn in Haaretz: The photographs of the female soldier Eden Abergil on Facebook with the young, bound Palestinians did not “shock” me, as did the automatic responses of people on the left who…

Too many facts about Islam will just be confusing

Helpful tips for bigots, hardcore Zionists and Christian fundamentalists: Local man Scott Gentries told reporters Wednesday that his deliberately limited grasp of Islamic history and culture was still more than sufficient to shape his views of the entire Muslim world. Gentries, 48, said he had absolutely no interest in exposing himself to further knowledge of…

Australian Jewish group warms to BDS step by step

A statement from the left Zionist group Australian Jewish Democratic Society. Good to see they’re standing firm in the face of Zionist lobby pressure. Shame that they only see the importance of BDS regarding the occupied territories and not much deeper against the infrastructure of occupation (alive and well in Israel proper). But it’s a…

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