Overland 200

Overland magazine is one of Australia’s finest independent journals. I contributed the lead essay in 2008 about the resource wars. The publication is progressive and proud. It has just released its 200th edition and a number of leading leftists were asked to briefly define the “Left” in 2010 and what it means to them. Here’s…

How do you spell Palestinian complicity?

Must we suffer these tiresome articles featuring the supposedly soothing words of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad – in office illegally, by the way – talking about his “vision” for a Palestinian state by 2011? Good luck with that, with Israeli and American aid behind you.

Better Tweeting ain’t gonna solve Israel’s massive image problem

This is as tragic as comical. When will the Zionist lobby realise that more “effective” PR isn’t the answer to their problems? Until Israel changes its behaviour, the label “apartheid state” will be an understatement: An Australian plan to spread good news about Israel via social media will be presented at an upcoming international Jewish…

Beck on his Christian, God-fearing America

Fox News interviews Glenn Beck about his “restoring honour” event in Washington DC over the weekend and one gains an insight into a man who truly believes that America is a country that should embrace a Christian God. Shame about those Muslims, Jews and atheists: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Washington doesn’t understand that the Middle East has changed

How does the more enlightened establishment view the Middle East and America’s role? Robert Malley and Peter Harling write in Foreign Affairs: In the Middle East, U.S. President Barack Obama has spent the first year and a half of his presidency seeking to undo the damage wrought by his predecessor. He has made up some…

Abunimah says without Hamas talks are pointless

Ali Abunimah in the New York Times – what, a Palestinian in the Times, get rid of him immediately! – on America’s apparent determination to fail at upcoming “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority: George J. Mitchell, the United States Middle East envoy, tried to counter low expectations for renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations…

Rabbinic court lashes singer

If Muslims stone women the world reacts in horror. And yet when fundamentalist Jews behave similarly, silence: A singer who performed in front of a “mixed audience” of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him “repent,” after a ruling by a self-described rabbinic court on Wednesday. Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, founder of the…

You want to negotiate with these fools?

The actions of a rogue state (which is why the US-backed Palestinian Authority is so keen to sit down with them in early September): The Israeli government should immediately stop the arbitrary destruction of Palestinian homes and other property in the West Bank and compensate the people it has displaced, Human Rights Watch said today.…

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