Most flotilla truths getting lost in hasbara

An interesting and serious charge and one that doesn’t appear to have entered the mainstream media: In the aftermath of the crimes perpetrated against those riding on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla by the Israeli government, it has been well-documented that the Israeli hasbara machine somehow transformed the victims into victimizers. A bit over two months…

Green new world?

The following article is co-written with Lee Rhiannon, New South Wales Greens Senate candidate in the forthcoming collection and appears in Online Opinion: The bottom line for big business is return on investment for shareholders. However, the way a business is perceived as environmentally friendly or destructive seriously affects their profits. This is why corporations…

Israel aims for humanity during Ramadan but fails

The fact that this is even a story shows the apartheid-like conditions in Palestine. Shameful: Israel’s military will allow Palestinian and Israeli relatives to meet during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and soldiers have been briefed on how to show respect during the fast. The fast of Ramadan began Wednesday. Civil Administration officials met…

Just another Jewish state effort at ethnic cleansing

Joseph Dana, an American Jew living in Israel, spends much of time campaigning for Palestinian rights. He’s a brave soul, a friend and colleague. His latest post reveals the ongoing oppression of Bedouin in the country. It’s heart-breaking: In the early hours of 10 August, Israeli forces destroyed — for the third time — the…

What we have lost without Tony Judt

Phil Weiss at Mondoweiss pens an appropriately moving obituary for Tony Judt and his massive contribution to the American understanding of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Judt refused to subscribe to Zionist loyalty simply because he was Jewish. He provoked, advocated a one-state solution, challenged the Israel lobby and displayed the finest qualities of Judaism. We only…

Complete Labor MP Julia Irwin’s views on the Middle East

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about departing ALP MP Julia Irwin speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine – check the comments on the original piece that shows the massive interest in these rare statements – please find below the complete transcript of the interview with Irwin: ALP Policy: While some of my former colleagues may disagree,…

How much are some Zionists getting paid to promote Israel?

Former New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges gave these remarks Thursday night in New York City at a fundraiser for sponsoring a US boat to break the blockade of Gaza: When I lived in Jerusalem I had a friend who confided in me that as a college student in the United States she attended events…

Fingering Israel for Hariri’s death

Trouble is brewing and a number of reliable sources in the Middle East fear that another round between Hizbollah and Israel is almost inevitable. After all, Israel was beaten badly in 2006 and doesn’t want to get too used to failure. I was in Lebanon the days before the Hariri assassination and remain fascinated with…

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