Iraq may be like Lebanon, if US and Israel have their way

When failure is your middle name, why not copy the masters? The US may be using Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon as a model for its supposed draw-down in Iraq. In other words, expect America to hassle and monitor Iraq for years to come, violating Iraqi sovereignty. Like Israel does in Lebanon.

Jews who hate gay people

Israel’s increasingly creating its own Taliban, religious Jews who shun modernity and human rights for all. The Middle East’s only democracy, indeed.

How an Australian unionist fell in love with occupation Israel

Australian unionist, close to the Labor party and rabid Zionist Paul Howes has a long history of embracing everything about Israel – its occupation, murder of opponents etc – and seems to place himself as a new Australian spokesperson for the glories of the Holy Land. It’s utterly embarrassing and believed by fewer people every…

Judt could see past Zionist tribalism

The death of Tony Judt is a monumental loss and the New York Times obituary provides a wonderful quote that beautifully captures his inspiring journey: His views on Israel made Mr. Judt an increasingly polarizing figure. He placed himself in the midst of a bitter debate when, in 2003, he outlined a one-state solution to…

Somebody talks to Hamas, hold the front page!

The Australian Murdoch press is so clueless. This story, appearing on page 2 of today’s Australian newspaper, is a supposed scoop: A senior East Timorese government minister wanted to advise the Palestinian militant group Hamas while employed by the World Bank. Based in the West Bank in 2006, Emilia Pires, a dual Australian citizen, now…

Some West Australians want Israel to occupy Arabs forever

I wrote last week about the imminent launch of Friends of Israel Western Australia. Readers will be happy to hear that the group is now live and well and featured a rogue’s gallery of politicians desperate to align themselves with a hardline, Christian Zionist view of the Middle East. The J Wire report is laughably…

Taking the measure of the heat in Gaza

My following book review appeared in Saturday’s Melbourne Age: Gaza: Morality, Law and Politics Edited by Raimond Gaita University of Western Australia Publishing, $29.95 Raimond Gaita’s collection tries to analyse a contentious conflict, writes Antony Loewenstein. MONTHS after the release of the UN-backed Goldstone report that found alleged war crimes by both Israel and Hamas…

Will non-racist Jews please stand up?

What will it take for the “leaders” of the American Zionist lobby to be called on their casual racism towards Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims? The ADL’s Abe Foxman, who rejects the Islamic centre in the heart of New York, is the face of Zionist bigotry.

Israelis who reject their government’s plans

Sometimes, an event happens that provides a wonderful counter-point to the grinding Zionist project. Individuals or groups who refuse to be co-opted to support occupation and colonisation. Israeli blog Promised Blog reports on an advertisement that appeared in Friday’s Haaretz: WE DO NOT OBEY. Women in the footsteps of Ilana Hammerman: not obeying illegal and…

Giant Tony Judt passes

Leading intellectual Tony Judt just died. A monumental loss for the world, for provokers everywhere, for anybody who believes that challenging accepted “truths” is both necessary and invaluable to improve our democracy. Mondoweiss: We’ve heard that Tony Judt died today, the historian and writer/speaker, after a long illness, ALS. A giant, is all I can…

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