Jews love to accuse people of anti-Semitism (makes them feel good)

Too many Jews are too quick to accuse people of anti-Semitism for simply discussing Israel, occupation or Jewish power. Oliver Stone was recently accused by the Zionist lobby of anti-Semitism for talking about the lobby and Israel’s awful effect on US foreign policy. It wasn’t anti-Semitism but the usual suspects started bleating. Crying wolf is…

Another US Jew wondering why her people occupy Arabs

Emily Henochowicz, the American Jew who lost her eye from a Israeli tear gas canister in May, tells her story for the first time in a TV broadcast on Democracy Now! These stories are moving because they represent the growing numbers of American Jews questioning the Zionist state.

War with Iran may have to wait a few more minutes

Leading American Zionist and hawk Jeffrey Goldberg is upset in his meeting with Barack Obama that the US President wasn’t more threatening towards Iran. Diplomacy will supposedly fail, we’re told, despite the fact that Washington has its foot on Tehran’s face.

ElectionWire interview on Australian election

Election Wire is an online youth portal covering the Australian election campaign (here’s their recent report about detention centres). Journalist Austin G. Mackell yesterday interviewed me about the issues in the country, including foreign affairs, the Greens, the web filter, Wikileaks and the Middle East:

Crocodile tears for Israel

A sign of the times. Online newsletter Bitterlemons features a series on “Israeli’s growing international isolation“. A combination of fear and arrogance permeates the collection, as Zionists either realise that Israel is on a path towards greater panic or more arrogance. Then there is Ghada Karmi, leading Palestinian writer: Can Israel survive its recent battering…

Washington fails in the Middle East and people notice

The Arab world realises that Barack Obama is George W. Bush with a better speech-writer: A new poll of Arab public opinion finds a significant drop in Arab world views of President Obama from a year ago. The 2010 Arab Public Opinion poll will be released Thursday at the Brookings Institution by Shibley Telhami, of…

The how and why a rabbi backs BDS

The recent decision by Olympia co-operative in the US to boycott Israeli goods was an American first. Progressive Rabbi Lyn Gottlieb backs the decision: Boycott is a time honored method which was the catalyst that ended legal segregation in the United States. Boycott is the primary tool of those engaged in nonviolent resistance to systematic…

More on the Wikileaks/Israel/Afghanistan connection

Mondoweiss follows up my investigations on the Israel-connection in the Wikileaks dump (and curiously, searching for “Israeli” brings some different results to “Israel“): I’m poking around the Afghan war diaries from Wikileaks (inspired by Antony Loewenstein) and it looks like one element of our nationbuilding effort in Afghanistan is working: the people there have demonstrated…

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