Australian Zionist head wants West Bank settlements to thrive

So this is how it is. A senior Jewish leader in Australia defending the illegal colonies in the West Bank. For shame: The elected leader of Australian Jewry blasted his Christian counterpart over an “ill-considered” resolution asking churches to boycott goods produced by West Bank Jews. Executive Council of Australian Jewry President Robert Goot, in…

IDF says that its Gaza stories over the last years have been false

Max Blumenthal on an IDF that appears now willing to acknowledge that the Goldstone Report may have been pretty right after all: A report quietly submitted by IDF Military Advocate General Avichai Mandelblit to the United Nations two weeks ago regarding Israel’s conduct during Operation Cast Lead confirms the key findings of the Goldstone Report.…

Return To Gaza documentary

This is a documentary that is finally finished and soon to be screened in Australia and globally. I was interviewed a number of years ago and remain pleased it’ll see the light of see. The Palestinian story told in the first person: ‘Return To Gaza’ is a personal insight into the Middle East Conflict through…

Giving Goldstone a much deserved apology

A friend sends on this wonderful piece by the anti-Apartheid South African journo Allister Sparks that rebukes his country’s Chief Rabbi, Warren Goldstein, over the latter’s strongly expressed criticism of Constitutional Court member Richard Goldstone as well as Goldstone’s role in heading the UN’s fact-finding mission for Gaza: Sparks starts by noting that three of…

A joint Jewish and Arab party to move forward in I/P

Former Zionist leader and speaker of the Knesset Avraham Burg has a long, recent history of condemning the decline of Israel into a racist and discriminatory country. Now he believes a new political party is needed to almost save Israel from itself: The party Israel Equality (Shivyon Yisrael ) – with the acronym Shai in…

Israel should be for Jews, mainly

In a New York Jewish newspaper Forward editorial on Israel’s attempt to exclude non-Orthodox converted Jews from full acceptance in Israel – and note the Jewish Diaspora’s outrage over this issue but little care about the millions of Palestinians who can’t exercise their legitimate right of return – see how Zionists view their holy land:…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

Australian politicians love to embrace apartheid Israel

The utterly depressing state of mainstream Australian politics on the Middle East. Beyond embarrassing. Stuck in a bad Zionist lobby time-warp from 1948. Somebody, save us: The three major candidates contesting the seat of Wentworth in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, addressed the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies plenum last night”¦J-Wire filmed the event. Addressing…

Slamming Islam isn’t just encouraged, it’s praised

This is from a major political leader in the US, a growing trend of open bigotry towards Muslims and likely to lead to growing schisms between the faith and wider community: There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The…

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