The nightmare in Hebron

Another day and another violent arrest of peaceful protesters in the West Bank (Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana explain). For Palestinians, however, every day is a potential nightmare. Here’s Gideon Levy on one painful story: The scars speak for themselves: a scorched hole in the middle of his forehead, like a mark of Cain, two…

Fayyadism is a dead-end road

While Palestinian dictator Mahmoud Abbas reportedly offers parts of Palestine to the Jewish state – an unelected man with no legitimate credentials, just how Washington and Tel Aviv likes it – nobody serious (except some gullible New York Times commentators) actually believes the Palestinian Authority has any real power to bring change: Since June 2007…

Following the lead of Elvis Costello against Israel

Canadian film-maker and activist John Greyson recently made a short film to urge Elton John to cancel his show in Israel (he refused). Now Greyson is back with another clever video that combines the World Cup with the necessary cultural boycott of the Jewish state: Vuvuzela from John Greyson on Vimeo.

Fundamentalist Jews run riot in Jerusalem

Tensions in Silwan in Jerusalem are growing, not least because Israel continues to expand settlements in complete violation of international law. So much for a settlement freeze. Protests against the latest moves are growing but why aren’t such reports in the international media? Another night sets in on Silwan. Just two days ago, hundreds of…

Making Palestinians central to journalism is still a while off

The lack of representative Palestinian journalists in the corporate press is addressed by one of the best in the business: Taghreed El-Khodary, formerly the New York Times correspondent in Gaza, spoke recently at an event organized by the Palestine Center (6/23/10). She shared some interesting observations–the first being that her revelation that she left Gaza…

Gillard is like Rudd and that’s just fine

One of the few senior Australian academics with a public profile actually not in thrall to the American and Israeli lobbies is Scott Burchill. This is spot on: You can’t get closer to the centre of mainstream foreign policy analysis than [Lowy Institute’s] Michael Fullilove. He’s not one to frighten the horses. He supports the…

Killing civilians in a kind and considerate way

Despite New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman being always happy to defend Western terrorism in the name of freedom and democracy, don’t get on the wrong side of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Friedman certainly is entitled to his view. But he is not entitled to slander Israel, and last Sunday he did so with relish. In…

Does the Zionist lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?

The Australian blog Middle East Reality Check – previous coverage here – dissects yesterday’s column by the Australian’s Greg Sheridan on Israel and the fall of Kevin Rudd. Over to you: The foreign editor of The Australian, Greg (Jerusalem Prize) Sheridan, seems to be suggesting that Australia’s Israel lobby, referred to euphemistically as “some friends…

The dead Turks would like to come back to life, but alas…

Treat with appropriate skepticism: Israel has signaled it may compensate and apologize to families of some of the victims of its aid-flotilla raid in… comments during a covert meeting between Turkish and Israeli officials, the first high-level contact since the deadly attack.

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