Looking in vain for a brave parliamentarian who calls things as they are

Another wonderful speech by departing Australian Labor MP Julia Irwin (here are some recent comments) given on 23 June. A rare voice of honesty in the Australian parliament: (Fowler) (9.39 am)—The development of Israeli settlements in the West Bank continues unabated. With the world occupied in getting the parties to the negotiating table, the reality…

Urging Israel to bomb Lebanon and soon

Smell the disappointment from the neo-con class: In Washington the assumption is that it’s only a matter of time before Israel and Hezbollah will be at war again. But what’s worse is that, according to policymakers and analysts I’ve spoken to, the United States is sharply opposed to Israel finishing the work it failed to…

The Palestinian Authority knows where its bread is buttered

That’s what you call a loyal colonial partner: The Palestinian Authority attempted to neutralize a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution condemning Israel’s deadly attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, leaked UN and Palestinian Authority documents obtained by The Electronic Intifada show. Israel’s 31 May attack killed nine Turkish citizens, including a dual US-Turkish citizen,…

If you need some help to defend Israel

Australian Zionists, here are your talking points to help Israel as a Jew, Zionist and human being: More than 250 Australian students were trained in the art of Israel advocacy during a three-day conference held in Jerusalem this week. The seminar, run by StandWithUs International (SWU) – a not-for-profit education organisation aiming to ensure Israel’s…

Out damn Palestinomania

Israeli Kadima politician Yulia Shamalov Berkovich speaking in the Knesset: Israeli academia apparently suffers from ‘Palestinomania,’ a mild psychological illness whose symptoms include self-hatred, an affinity for Israel’s enemies, Jewish anti-Semitism and/or anti-Zionism. The spread of ‘Palestinomania’ demands the immediate and painful treatment for all of our sake, and the sooner the better.

Not just Jews debating the Holocaust

Canadian author Yann Martel: The tragedy of the Holocaust wasn’t exclusively Jewish. It was non-Jews who did it. It was an act of two groups, so it’s not just for Jews to be expert on the Holocaust. In any case, we’re in dialogue with history, and you no more own a historical event than people…

Rudd equals Gillard?

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is likely to be out of a job tomorrow after a leadership challenge by deputy Julia Gillard. Apart from most political journalists getting all excited about the prospect of instability and a new game in Canberra, can somebody please ask Gillard what she really thinks about refugees, the environment and…

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