Jews in North Carolina say no to Israeli occupation

Jews for a Just Peace-NC set up a “Palestinian house demolition” tableau in front of the Durham Performing Arts Center to protest an American Dance Festival performance by the Israel-based Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company on June 17, 2010. The protesters exposed the fact that Israel’s cultural exports have become a tool to…

“Only a boycott will persuade Israel”

With Israel’s Vice Premier and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon praising the terrorist founders of Israel as heroes – of course, they’re referred to these days as freedom fighters and the Jewish “underground” – the tone-deaf nature of the Jewish state is being noticed in various quarters. And it’s finally starting to dawn on Western…

Leading IDF lawyer explains how Israel justifies its action

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: On Tuesday lunchtime the Australian Human Rights Centre and the UNSW International Law and Policy Group (with assistance from the Israeli embassy) hosted a seminar on “The Fight against Terror: Practical Dilemmas in applying the Laws of War.” The two speakers were Professor Abraham Bell of Israel’s Bar-Ilan…

Israel makes it clear that Palestinians are not fully welcome

An Haaretz editorial on something that should outrage Jews the world over and yet elicits little more than silence: Dr. Immad Hammada and Dr. Murad Abu-Khalaf are both lecturers in electrical engineering born in East Jerusalem. Their families have lived in the city for generations. They both left years ago, each one separately, to study…

Hating Arabs and getting Murdoch to pay for it

Former Republican Presidential candidate and Fox News host Mike Huckabee loathes Arabs and Palestinians and believes Israel has the right to do what it wants, where it wants. Christian Zionism in action. A New Yorker profile of the man provides an indication of the kind of mindset Rupert Murdoch hires for his “news” channel: Sun…

Get used to the growing isolation

Israeli historian Tom Segev: This is something Israelis know: that they very, very much depend on both America and Germany, or in the larger sense, Europe. And there’s nothing they fear more than being alone in the world.

Tony Blair is the face of Israel’s new Gaza policy

Tony Blair’s role in the Middle East is to appear balanced but is in fact designed to please Israel and offer a nice, kind face for Israeli occupation. And now the Israeli press confirms yet more shameless propaganda: It turns out that Quartet envoy to the Middle East Tony Blair was the person who in…

Mayonnaise won’t make Gazans feel human again

Muhammed Skaik, trade officer at the Gaza branch of the Palestinian trade center Paltrade, tells Haaretz that Israel’s supposed lifting of the economic siege may not mean too much: Since January this year. Israel has added every month or two about 10 items to the list of permitted items. But ketchup, snacks and mayonnaise, for…

Australia’s Israel lobby are like little sheep

The role of religious lobbies in Australia isn’t new (witness the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader last night trying to impress the Christian lobby and its mates across the country, saying things about gay marriage, climate change and refugees). There needs to be far more sunlight into the relations between governments and lobby groups. Who…

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