“The plan was doomed to failure from the beginning”

The importance of dissent within any society should be self-evident. Evidence for the prosecution: Israeli Navy officers have attacked their government’s version of events related to last week’s capture of flotilla ships in international waters. They said Sunday the raid was doomed from the beginning, and should be blamed on whoever ordered it and the…

Looking for the many anti-Islam commentators who shame Helen Thomas

Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas has left the building after making some comments about getting Jews in Israel to go back to Europe. Perhaps rather silly and certainly likely to upset the Zionist establishment – though, seriously, where’s the outrage over the countless anti-Islam comments since 9/11? and hardly a hanging offense – this…

Did somebody say Israeli cover-up?

Sorry what? Israeli legal experts have poured scorn on details of a proposed inquiry to examine last week’s military raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that resulted in the deaths of nine people. After a marathon meeting of his inner cabinet that approved the inquiry’s terms, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was last night waiting for…

The deadly burden of occupation

A fascinating new report by Israeli group Adva Center that details the true cost of Israel’s ongoing colonisation program. And just remember, this is what most Jews in the Diaspora are backing: Marking 43 years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the Adva Center published today its bi-annual report on the burden of Israel’s…

What does Washington really think of those under their power?

This sounds juicy beyond belief. What, I wonder, do American diplomats really think of Israeli leaders and their corrupt Palestinian colleagues in the West Bank? An Army intel analyst charged with leaking classified materials also downloaded sensitive diplomatic cables. Are America’s foreign policy secrets about to go online? Philip Shenon reports. The State Department and…

Jews who make excuses for not really speaking out

Following the revealing article in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald on Jewish dissent, these letters appear today: It saddens me that Peter Slezak wants to be a “non-Jewish Jew”, apparently glorying in some weird self-imposed excommunication (”Promised land needs home truth”, June 8). If he was an activist in the Australian Jewish community he would know…

Pappe on Israel’s ultimate goal

One of Israel’s finest historians, Ilan Pappe – now based in England – has a necessary take on the Jewish state’s current path of self-destruction: One would have thought that Israel’s drastic decline in international reputation would prompt new thinking by its leaders. But the responses to the attack on the flotilla in the past…

Blumenthal’s latest: Tel Aviv is alive to the sound of radicalism

From the streets of Tel Aviv, the chant of “Death to the Arabs” was heard on 1 June outside the Turkish embassy. Max Blumenthal reports: On June 1, 2010, thousands of Israelis gathered spontaneously in front of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv to demonstrate in support of the Israeli Naval commando unit that killed…

One Jew pleads to not take silence as agreement

The response to Peter Slezak’s article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald on speaking critically about Israel has attracted a number of fascinating responses online, including this one by “repressed Jew” which is deeply distressing. This is what modern Zionism and Judaism has become. Rank tribalism, little independent thought and blind allegiance to the “party line”:…

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