Some choice hate mail

Barely a week goes by without some highly intelligent piece of hate mail (often from fellow Jews) landing in my in-box (a full collection is published here). Here’s today’s contribution: Mr. Lovenshtein, you are disgrace to Jewish nation.…  I have yet to see any Abdullah or Mohhamed going against own people the way so many…

Australians are increasingly vocal about Israel

Today’s letters in the Sydney Morning Herald show a combination of anger, defensiveness (on the part of Zionists who dishonestly claim that they actually think independently from the Israeli government) and passion: Immanuel Suttner and David Tester (Letters, June 4) ask if and when Bishop George Browning and others would express outrage about attacks by…

Public opinion is lost

While Israeli bloggers debate the rights and wrongs of this week’s Gaza flotilla massacre (there’s something right about it, I hear you ask?) this piece of news is pretty damning: Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of…

Where’s the Tea Party anger over Israeli killings?

A little message from Juan Cole: Hey, Tea Party. A foreign navy boarded an unarmed ship flying the flag of a NATO member in international waters and shot dead an American citizen with four bullets to the head and one in the chest on Memorial Day. It did this while the head of the belligerent…

BDS gets noticed by Murdoch press

This piece in the Wall Street Journal highlights a serious problem faced by Israel and its Diaspora supporters: Israel’s bungled attempt to stop the aid flotilla from reaching Gaza also highlights how an increasingly forceful strategy by Palestinians and their supporters to turn to boycotts, international isolation, and relatively nonviolent protests is confronting Israel with…

Blair suddenly shows some care for Gaza

Tony Blair, the man behind the Iraq war, Lebanon war and Gaza war, now calls for the lifting of the siege on Gaza. But these comments are simply delusional. Hope left Gaza many years ago: What is important is that we don’t end up with people [in Gaza] losing hope for the future, alienating young…

“There was live ammunition flying around”

Democrats, Republicans, Zionist groups and Christian Zionists are falling over themselves to express their deep love for Israel. Touching. Perhaps they should listen to people other than the government in Tel Aviv: The first British survivor of the assault on the Mavi Marmara Gaza aid ship to return to London has told of her terror…

Major Australian newspaper calls for stronger Jewish criticism of Israel

A pretty remarkable editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald, clear, correct and being proven right in the Middle East by events. Blind support for Israel is causing its death. Discuss: In seeking to reassert forcefully its blockade of Gaza, Israel has succeeded only in calling its action even more into question. And each new ramification…

This is the level of “debate” on US TV over Gaza

Former mayor of New York Ed Koch and writer Jeremy Scahill discuss Gaza and the flotilla. It’s a parallel universe on American TV with blind Zionist supporters using the same language over and over again (terrorism, Jew-hatred, terrorism, Hamas killers, terrorism):

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