Chomsky appears on Israeli TV alongside marching Hizbollah men

After Israel refused entry to Noam Chomsky into the occupied, Palestinian territories, he was interviewed extensively on Israeli TV and of course told that he didn’t believe in Israel’s right to exist etc etc. The same, tired cliches that are effectively demolished by Chomsky. He makes the key point; the best friends of Israel are…

A Middle East film that should be screened on the ABC

Is this a case of preemptive buckle on the part of the ABC or something else entirely? You decide: The distributor of an Australian documentary sympathetic to the Palestinian cause was told it would not screen on the ABC until a program taking an opposing position was available for broadcast. The ruling has outraged the…

Why the Gaza Flotilla has to reach its destination

Oh Israel, you make it so hard to like you. The Gaza Flotilla is on its way towards the Strip but Zionist propaganda is in full swing. Here’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman: The aid convoy is violent propaganda against Israel, and Israel will not allow its sovereignty to be threatened in any way, in any…

How many New Zealanders shout at the sight of an Israeli head?

The recent speech by the new Israeli ambassador to New Zealand – a position that has been vigorously protested by locals over the last months – at the opening of the new embassy in Wellington: The reopening of this Mission reflects the importance that Israel attaches to its relations with New Zealand. The primary aim…

Israel and apartheid South Africa were the best of friends

My following article appears in today’s Canberra Times newspaper: The headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz this week was striking: ”Who says Jews and racism don’t go together?” Columnist Akiva Eldar discussed the revelations in a new book by a senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine that details the extensive relationship between apartheid South…

I just know that Israel is a democratic paradise, hopes neo-con

Debate over the recent Peter Beinart article on Zionism and American Jewry in the New York Review of Books continues. Here’s Beinart, the sensible Zionist liberal debating neo-con Eli Lake, almost comically defending the democratic credentials of the Jewish state despite the mass evidence against it:

A mutual love for destruction

Yet more interesting questions about Israel’s relationship with apartheid South Africa and the testing of nuclear weapons, a love both countries shared: On 22 September 1979 at about 1 a.m. GMT, a US Vela satellite passing over the South Atlantic detected a double flash of light in the vicinity of Prince Edward Island. The satellite…

The concerned Australian legal liberal who wants Israel to act humanely

Leading Australian legal academic Ben Saul wrote back in March that Israel should no longer be a protected species in the international arena. He’s back with an equally strong statement. And note the growing number of public figures who no longer accept Zionist exceptionalism: Britain’s expulsion of an Israeli diplomat is a lesson for Australia…

Is Canberra happy to help Israel in its “war on terror”?

In this Fairfax story today, the elephant in the room is Israel. Some key questions: has Australia ever provided our passports to Israeli agents? If so, when and for what actions? Australian security agencies use false passports issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs to allow covert operatives to function overseas, intelligence sources have admitted.…

Obama caves towards Israel because of the green dollar

One of the main reasons that many of us are so skeptical of Washington ever seriously pressuring Israel to end its occupation is Jewish money. It’s (mostly) about money. And now the Israeli press seems to confirm the inevitable: Information that was received by Israeli sources would seem to indicate that the principal reason for…

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