Blumenthal on Tea Parties, guns and Jesus

American, Jewish writer and film-maker Max Blumenthal – we like him, see why here – has produced a documentary on the Tea Party movement in the US and its extensive ties to the Republican Party. Ignoring these millions, however, is a mistake in my view. Their anger and pain must be addressed or America will…

Blind western backing for Israel only leads to more terrorism

The following article by Ian Munro appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Australia’s 12,000-strong Israeli community is deeply divided over the government’s deportation of an Israeli diplomat, with many angry that Israel risked good relations with a strong friend, former security analyst Ran Porat said. Mr Porat, a journalist who is undertaking postgraduate research into the…

How did Australia find the Israeli rats?

The role of Mossad in Australia is largely ignored by our media elites. Who are they and what do they do? A rare ray of sunshine appeared in today’s Australian: The idea of Mossad operating in Dubai or other Middle East areas would not surprise most people, but Australians may be surprised at Mossad agents…

End the mad siege on Gaza, says Haaretz

An editorial in Haaretz that highlights the ways in which both Israel and the Zionist Diaspora manages the conflict, through spin and PR, rather than actually addressing real suffering of the Palestinians: We will soon mark five years since Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip, but Gaza refuses to disengage from Israel. Border incidents continue,…

How many false Aussie passports have we used, daddy?

Nobody said that Western states aren’t inherently hypocritical but this supposed revelation opens a can of worms. Australia has used faked passports to carry out assassinations? Do tell (and even if they do, that means that we should simply accept it and allow, say Israel, to get away with murder?) And I note the increasingly…

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