We’re Jews and we love other Jews being close to us

Here’s a classic clip from the “shooting yourself in the foot” department. A bunch of Israelis shoot a video called “I’m a Jew” but instead of celebrating the country’s racial diversity – namely, that not only Jews live in Israel – they talk about serving in the military (something Palestinians are unable to do). The…

Zionists, repeat after me, these are the talking points

Some oh-so-handy advice to Zionist activists wondering how to defend Israel from allegations of racial discrimination, occupation etc etc: Israel’s friends on campus cannot abandon efforts to promote Israel’s remarkable success as a high-tech democracy, a “start-up nation.” We must continue to represent the true Israel as a country that shares America’s Western values and…

Even Israel’s High Court is in on the game

An Haaretz editorial about the ways in which the IDF likes to find ways to isolate Palestinians. It’s in their DNA, you see: In less than three weeks, the portion of Route 443 that runs through the West Bank is due to open to Palestinian traffic. That’s what the High Court of Justice ordered, but…

Israel must be judged how it treats its minorities

The ghosts of Israel’s past are far from resolved. But who really wants to address this today? The Jewish Diaspora? Hardly: More than one unwitting visitor to Jerusalem has fallen prey to the bizarre delusion that they are the Messiah. Usually, they are whisked off to the serene surroundings of Kfar Shaul psychiatric hospital on…

To the panic stations!

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: The entire world, with our American friends at the forefront, insists that the beefing up of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem cannot be reconciled with the “two states for two peoples” solution. How can the Palestinian leadership be expected to stand by idly while 25,000 Palestinian workers put…

Chipping away at the “Middle East’s only democracy” myth

Visiting American law professor George Bisharat – a vocal opponent of Israel’s occupation – writes in the Fairfax National Times about the daily discrimination suffered by Palestinians across the occupied territories. Oddly and rather comically, an editor has placed the following caption below the accompanying photo, an image that has no connection whatsoever to the…

Israel should not be allowed in the OECD

The struggle will go on: Palestinian civil society represented by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), a wide coalition of the largest Palestinian mass organizations and trade unions, issued a strong condemnation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) decision today to welcome Israel as a member of the organization at…

The Israeli elite knows apartheid is biting

Israel’s Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday: Without an agreement we will be subject to international isolation and we will suffer a fate similar to that of Belfast or Bosnia, or a gradual transition from a paradigm of two states for two peoples to one of one state for two peoples. Some people will try…

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