Jews for Goldstone

Encouragingly, a number of Rabbis have publicly come out and backed Richard Goldstone: Dear Judge Goldstone, As rabbis from diverse traditions and locations, we want to extend our warmest mazel tov to you as an elder in our community upon the bar mitzvah of your grandson. Bar and Bat Mitzvah is a call to conscience,…

Casual talk of destroying Lebanon

The Tablet on what’s at stake: In the event of a Hezbollah attack, all that is certain is that Israel will level Lebanon. “People believe there is a confrontation in Lebanon between the bad guys, Hezbollah, and the good guys, the government of Lebanon,” Giora Eiland says. “But the only real strategic decisions are made…

Hamas is down but bi-nationalism is in

When this happens, it’s hard to see Hamas becoming more popular: Gaza’s Hamas rulers have burned more than 1 million pills of a pain killer many Gazans take because they say it relaxes them. Hamas Health Minister Basim Naim said Tuesday that the drug, Tramadol, was confiscated from smugglers who sneak it through tunnels under…

This is how Israel marks its 62nd birthday

Ari Shavit writes in Haaretz a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s a fascinating document, fearful, paranoid and alive to Zionism’s likely fate in the 21st century. And where is Diaspora Jewry in all this? Asleep at the wheel, organising regular events to “celebrate” its closeness with Israel: Mr. Prime Minister, here are…

The Israeli airline that likes to give Arabs a hard time

El Al, an airline that would really rather just have Jews flying but there aren’t enough of us: Two Israeli Arab brothers have won US$8,000 (Dh29,000) in damages from Israel’s national carrier, El Al, after a court found that their treatment by the company’s security staff at a New York airport had been “abusive and…

Israel’s Right wants to kill Haaretz once and for all

The indispensable Israeli blog Promised Land on the campaign against Haaretz (mainly because it’s not some jingoistic rag): Haaretz, Israel’s oldest daily paper, has a status that exceeds its limited circulation. Israel’s supporters who whishes to portray it as a thriving democracy give Haaretz as an example; Critics of Israel use Haaretz when claiming that…

So AIPAC isn’t reporting to a foreign entity?

Laugh or cry story of the day. From the pro-settler news service: Two of Israel’s largest extreme-left organizations, B’Tselem and Peace Now, have been accused of potentially violating United States law by acting illegally as foreign agents. The U.S. Department of Justice has been informed of the accusations, and is looking into the matter. The…

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