How unpopular globally is Israel?

A BBC study heralds good news for Obama’s America: Views of the US around the world have improved sharply over the past year, a BBC World Service poll suggests. For the first time since the annual poll began in 2005, America’s influence in the world is now seen as more positive than negative. The improved…

Israel deeply hates the occupation so continues to expand it

So what is Israel waiting for? Complete global delegitimisation? Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, has said that his country must recognise that the world will not put up with decades more of Israeli rule over the Palestinian people. Speaking to Israel Radio on Israel’s Memorial Day on Monday, Barak acknowledged that there was no way…

Why Zionists want to be told what to think about Israel

The front page of this week’s Australian Jewish News features a picture of Theodore Herzl, a headline that reads, “Unite behind the blue and white” and the lines: “Despite facing a barrage of assaults on a daily basis, 150 years after Herzl’s birth and 62 years after the foundation of the state, Israel remains a…

Insecure Zionism, an ongoing series

Another nail in the coffin of Israeli “democracy”, a fanciful word that always meant discrimination against non-Jews: A new report and billboard campaign launched by Israeli group Im Tirtzu – the Second Zionist Revolution” accuses at least twelve Israeli human rights groups of support for or involvement in the indictment of Israeli officials for serious…

Israel is a sick child with no real interest in recovery, writes Haaretz

In a sad editorial, Haaretz laments the state of the Jewish state: The joy attendant on Israel’s Independence Day traditionally focused on emphasizing the growing list of the young state’s achievements and the sense that the country was progressing toward a better future – one of peace, enhanced physical and existential security, integration into the…

How much do we know about Frank Lowy and his beloved Israel?

In my book My Israel Question I discuss the role of Australian Jewish billionaire Frank Lowy and his closeness to Israel. This story, in Haaretz yesterday, reveals both his unhealthy relationship with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and largely unreported role in supporting the Zionist state: The event on Thursday afternoon at the Auschwitz-Birkenau…

Jews who don’t adore Israel are still good Jews (pass it on)

Tony Karon in The National on Jewish impatience with Israel: The Zionist dream had always been that Israel would be not only the spiritual, but also the political and physical home of the world’s Jews. That dream has faded, largely because it is not shared by a majority of the world’s Jews, who have chosen…

Sri Lanka may not be the best judge of Israeli criminality

Priceless and absurd. For Sri Lanka to call for the end to Israel’s occupation, how about examining its own brutal occupation of Tamil areas in the country’s north and east? Nobody said international relations aren’t based on hypocrisy: Sri Lanka has called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territory saying sustainable peace could…

It’s South Africa all over again

Who says the increasingly vocal campaign to highlight Israel’s “normalisation” efforts isn’t gathering steam? When well-organized hecklers disrupted a recent London performance by the Jerusalem Quartet, the protest resonated far beyond Wigmore Hall, the city’s famous and much loved lunchtime place of pilgrimage for music lovers seeking a break from the hubbub of central London.…

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