Realising what the occupation has done to Israel’s heart and soul

Here’s famed Israeli leftist and novelist David Grossman speaking at a rally in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem on Friday. Whatever the criticisms directed at the organised Left in Israel – and there are many – Grossman’s words here are poignant and powerful: I think that we are all beginning to grasp — even those who…

Living in the West Bank is now (nearly) illegal

A travesty that will likely receive little outrage in the Western political elites: A new military order aimed at preventing infiltration will come into force this week, enabling the deportation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank, or their indictment on charges carrying prison terms of up to seven years. When the…

A minor change in the “special relationship”

A Zionist mailing list sent the following story with the headline, “What next? Yellow armbands?” Yes, the Obama administration is like the Nazis. Seriously (and here’s the yarn via Jeffrey Goldberg): Roger L. Simon usefully posts a translation of a recent article from Ma’ariv, which reports that the U.S. is no longer regularly granting visas…

One more nail in the coffin of Israel’s “image”

One of the Israeli journalists at the centre of the current censorship row – Uri Blau, temporarily living in London to avoid the oppressive arm of Israeli state security – writes in Haaretz what is truly at stake: The telephone call I received about a month ago should not have been a surprise. “Your apartment…

The role of a journalist in a truly free state is to challenge the state

An Haaretz response to a growing Israeli and global scandal (does the Jewish state really want more attention on its clearly illegal policy of assassinating “terrorists” without a clear legal mandate?) Over the last two years, Haaretz reporter Uri Blau has exposed a series of details that shed light on the conduct of the Israel…

Why al-Jazeera listens to Gaza

Ayman Mohyeldin, Gaza correspondent for Al Jazeera English, tells Democracy Now!: …Since the launch of Al Jazeera International, we have been committed to covering the story of Gaza and the people there under siege. We think it’s the important, if not one of the most important, stories in the region and in the world and…

Maybe Israelis aren’t really ready for a Muslim Jew

Who is really afraid of screening this film? Israeli film distributors have snubbed a controversial British comedy about a Muslim man who finds out he was born a Jew. The Infidel, which was written by Jewish-born comedian David Baddiel and is having its UK premier tonight, is an irreverent culture clash comedy about a devoted…

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