As long as Israel barely allows shoes into Gaza, expect outrage to grow

Oh, the generosity: Israeli authorities have allowed shoes and clothes into the Gaza Strip for the first time in three years of the tight economic blockade of the Palestinian territory. Here’s the latest Israeli commentator to tell America to keep its annual aid; we’ll cope just fine. Dream on, sunshine – without Washington protecting you…

The kind of state that Israel will never be

A timely piece in the Guardian by Israeli Aluf Benn that explains the growing alienation of the Arabs and ultra-Orthodox in Israel (the former far more, of course) and the “threat” to the country’s future: If you’re interested in Israel’s future, all you need to know is one statistic: among Israeli kids in their first…

How’s American Zionist Right views Arabs

The most interesting parts of this article by MJ Rosenberg are the quotes from some of America’s leading “pro-Israel” advocates. Racism, fear, bitterness and anger. Yes, Zionism is in great shape: Other than screaming by the right, there does not seem to be any significant aftermath to President Obama’s decision to oppose Israeli settlement expansion.… …

Murdoch publishes pro-Colombo propaganda

What kind of newspaper publishes an article by an “expert on defence policy in the Indian Ocean” that argues post-war Sri Lanka is a place of harmony and peace, treating all its minorities with compassion and equality? Murdoch’s Australian. And the writer is Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe. The article is about as credible as Zionists claiming that…

Stealing Palestinian money the old fashioned way

A democracy does not act this way: For the past 15 years, Israel has been channeling hundreds of millions of shekels it had collected in the West Bank into its state coffers. The move is considered illegal, since international law prohibits an occupying power from appropriating the fruit of economic activity in an occupied territory.…

A love letter to an anti-Zionist

I regularly receive charming emails from individuals who like to explain how much I hate myself, Jews, Israel and the civilised world. Here’s the latest: Hi Antony! Keep up the great work demonizing Israel and promoting as much hate towards Israel as possible on a regular basis, and sticking up for people who want to…

Israel and the art of bombing civilian targets

What Israel really means when attacking Gaza (ie. revenge): It was not a chemical plant, nor a nuclear facility, nor a manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction. But almost all the rubble of the entirely destroyed factory was covered in white, with white chunks everywhere. These were pieces of cheese, butter and yoghurt — some…

What some New Zealanders think about Israel

The following press release appears today: A campaign formed in Wellington to oppose the opening of an Israeli embassy says nobody would want the embassy as its neighbour. NIEW – No Israeli Embassy in Wellington – is a coalition set up to oppose Israel plans to open an embassy in Wellington for the first time…

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